Sunday, June 12, 2011

Hello! I am still going to tell you about me at school. at my school now I am in grade 7 (G.7). this time i will compairing story from last year and this year. now my classroom was on third floor in my school. it was very tired to walk up and down everyday. last year it was only on seccond floor but if i tell u this story i believe that it will be better to have class room at the third floor than this happening to you. at my school we have daily report. it is for the teacher that teach us on that day to sign it. and that week it was me who have to make sure that every teacher on that they sign it. and that was my very unlucky day. i have to tell u this first so u can enjoy or fell sad for me T^T. i am on the seccond floor in my classroom with my friend. she is the one who told me that i forgot to tell T.sue to sign it ( T.sue is one of my teacher). then she go to art room to study with T.sue. but i have to do this by my self ( i am loyal but if teacher know it i must get in trouble). so she walk to third floor ( the art room was on the third floor). when she go i didnt say anything until i realize my bag was super heavy that day! I am thinking that i have to walk from my class to tye art room it is about 60 meters!!! and plus i have to go up the stairs =[]="" . so...i have to walk from that room to the art room. when i walk up the stiars i think my back going to broke! that bag is toooooo heavy to explain! and..Finally i did it! yes! iam standing infront of the art room door! let's do this! so i open the door and i saw may nath( nath is the freind that told me i forgot to get T.sue sign it) my other freinds and T.sue. i walk to teacher sue proudly and...i ask nath "nath can i have the daily report?" then she said something that almost make me scream or cry.."what?...i put it on your desk in G.6 classroom!" "TT[]TT !@##$%^^&*()_)(*^" things that i said that time might not even be a word!!!!! so i have to walk back to get it then let T.sue sign it AND THEN have to walk down to give it to the room that i have to give it to!!! NOW i will talk about this year. not very long ago on friday i went to swimming with june. that day i am the person who have to hold the daily report. that day was very lonely and first not many people know this. that day i have many bags and they all heavy so i dont have a hand to hold that daily report then i put it in one of my bag that it can take out easiest. I saw that my mom already there and iam sooo happy and exited to go swimming with june! i throw the bag in my car and jump right in it. before we go to the swimming pool we have to go to oaky's house and that time when i get down then my mom told me that i took the daily report back home!!!!! NOW THIS WILL BE A VERY GOOD THINGS COMPAIRING THIS YEAR AND LAST YEAR!!!!!! last year my class was very famous about....CAUSING PROMBLEMS!!!! start with...i know that i told you this story once but i will tell u more details on this home room teacher last year is king...Oops! i mean kind off weird. when he talk to the students he will put his hand on the student desk's that he are talking to. everybody think it was annoying but no one do anything until one of my friend....(the one who make T.chris this year homeroom teacher step on the bug) he put TOA glue on his table the area the teacher might touch it. i didnt see him doing that until...Nick : T.Thomas come here please!! T.Thomas: what? then he walk to nick's desk and do things he always do....the trap worked!!!!! he put his hand on that perfectly spot that my friend put his glue on !!!!! there was more things i can tell you more things but now my mom is calling me!!! i have to go see u next time!!!

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