Friday, May 17, 2013

Sorry that I didn't write this earlier...I will write about Chicago and my trip back to Thailand.

When we got there I am the only girl that is asked by Teacher George (Gene and Pokpong did this too) to carry all the bags up the the room on the 5th floor. Don't worry he is not that cruel. There are 3 elevator in the hotel. And there is also carts for carrying the bags. But still I am the only girl who went back and forth from the first floor to the fith floor. There were three rooms. 1. Room for the girls who want to sleep late. 2. Room for the boys T.George Pokpong and Gene. They are very lucky Gene and Pokpong had there own bed and T.George slept on the sofa.  The last room is the room I stayed in. For the girls who wants to sleep early. There are me June Didi In and P.Pat.

You might not believe it but for most of the time in that room this is what I did: I am always the first one who wake up. After I wake up I will take a shower change my clothes organize stuff and etc. then I will wake the others. Before we go to sleep I will ask each if them when will they want to get up. After at least me June and Didi are up we will have breakfast. That is.....a canned....there is a macaroni and cheese, some rice some soup something like that. That we have to cook it by the microwave...for 3days...and we even have to sit outside of our room sometime because it was too dark inside. We can't turn on any lights because the others were sleeping.

The thing I will always remember is how heavy my backpack is. If it isn't because June and Didi ask me to carry their snacks that is included juices....and others... Well you know how heavy liquids are!?! I did t really felt anything for the first three or four house but when it gets like noon I feel like I am gonna break my back or shoulder. Especially when you have to walk all day. Whe I said all day I really meat it. We only have a chance to rest when we eat or when we were on the train...or bus...

When I am in Chicago we went to the bean. It's real name is the cloud but everyone called It the bean. Probably because its look like a bean but it DOES remind me of cloud... Just a little...we also went to the sears tower. It is really tall. But I am not afraid of height so not a problem for me. We went to eat pizza too.T.George said pizza here is different. It's unique you should try it. It's true I like it. It's like it has many many layers and it will make you get full really fast. But it taste good :)

Another important things I want to talk about might heard the sentence don't pee in the pool but I would like to change in to DONT PEE IN THE ELEVATOR !! Why? This is the story of the mystery pee like water in the elevator:

Once upon a time there was a group of Thai students and there teachers. They were laughing happily in the train station. Then they realized that they need to go to the upper floor. But there was an accident....the elevator door closed before the pretty teacher P.Pat and half of the students probably me Didi June May and In if I was correct could get in. So the girls had to wait for another elevator. After they waited for a while it finally come. Everyone was in a calm mood. Such a peaceful time....after everyone got in the elevator. The door closed and it stared to go up and up....just so you no this elevator takes like 5 mim to get to the next floor...suddenly The pretty teacher felt something under her is a little sticky...smelly...when she look down it was yellow...than suddenly she screamed..."IT'S PEE!!!!!!" That is when I know that the quiet. Moment turns into a a bomb just exploded here. Everyone ran for their life to the corner there is no pee. There were also screaming yelling and etc. after all that long we haven't reach the next floor! So P.Pat press the button that will bring us down to that floor again and changed the elevator..... Well it was not that bad. It was very funny to me 55555555

We also had a chance to eat Thai food with P.Nuchi
Next is about my trip back to thailand....

This time instead of  changing the plane at Japan we did the flight exchange thing in Korea. It takes labout the same time anyway...13 hours....well at first I was imagining great time listening to the music on the airplane that I don't have or watching a movie that I haven't watched. Well you know what? From all 300 or even more passengers I am probably was the only one the system broke down...I told a beautiful air hostess about that. After a while my screen have an small X on it. Then she came back to me and ask about it. I tried again but it didn't work.  Even The person next to me tried to help but nothing got better. after 30 min of waiting and trying all of is finally gave up so I can't watch TV or listen to musics in that long this has nothing to do with my memory or what I it just mu least I love the food :D I ate some Korean food on the airplane and it tastes soooooo goooood. But the only problem was I forgot what it was called.....

That's it for today :)

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