Sunday, March 28, 2010

Second day with host family.

Today is the secound day that we are in the host host family is Miller.I stay in the same room with Emma.Her room is yellow and have many butterfly her favorite color is purple.I roller skate with my host family and Tong.Then we come back home to eat lunch at lunch we ate hamburger and macaroni and BOT for dinner.


  1. Wow!! roller skate! It's good that you can see Tong sometime. Are you going to go to the same school?

  2. This is your mom. Gam ka. . . I don't know what BOT is ka. Could you explain more? By the way, pls let me know how your school is? Can you understand what the teachers said? Do you have friends in school? What did you have for lunch at school?

    You know what. . . I read Jame's blog (Jame who will go to the same school as yours) and he said that he missed you. Do you miss Thai friend? Of course, I and your Dad are missing you. Take care of yourself na ka.
