Sunday, April 10, 2011

Hello This is Gam Natada Suvanprakorn. NOw I am writing my blog from my host family's working room. Today i woke up at 7:15 on the morning.I wear my Brewers shirt and my jeans on.I ate breakfast andwe are going to valders to meet my friends!!( I dont want to talk about T.George :P) it take about twenty min to get to valders.Today was very very foggy. it was hard to see the way in front of us.I look out the cars and i just see grass on the ground.When i got to Valders i saw June!!I ran up to her and i Hug her \(TUT)/ after we wait i litle while our friends is coming more and more....and it takes us 2 hours to gat to milwokee. Oh i think about the airplanes i hate them 4 now..just 4 now K? we have to eat ourlunch before we get inside thee studaim just like camping....In the studaim i get to sit with may and Jan!!!! -^.^- i think the frist score is 2 to jan may went to find someting to eat but the line is very longgg so we didnt bought anything. we went back in and out again just 4 same reason but we r lucky this time because the line is shorter. we bought 3 frenchfries but is was very big O.O I dont know it was that big....then we came back in again to eat....15 min later we got a homerun everybody scream ( they are happy ) then i move a little bit BUT...i drop the whole pot of the freshfreis in to jan's lap!!!on her pants ( that pants is not her it is her host mom's TOT) So i quikly ran out to get the napkin 4 her in the women's bathroom but just when i came back i slip and fall off into the ground in front of the gates!!! some of the people saw me -3-""" and even it is in the staduim my knees still a bit cover with dirt!! i stand up and cotonue running to give th napkins to jan ( it look like ..if i am a boy it was like a iam going to tell jan that i love her like in the love story but this is not K? dont understand me wrong =[]="""")and just a while that i went in the games end and the Brewers win!!! yeahhhh!!!! Then we come back here..... Bye mom Dad i miss u! get well soon Dad !!!! Ilove you both!!+ symmar Sugar Symmet salapaonadang fish and ........ Bye!! I hope U enjoy my blog today!!I MISS THAILAND!!!!


  1. Yes, we enjoy reading your blog very much; especilly, on the part you compared your action of falling down and giving the napkins to Jan with those of love story movie. That's really funny ka. By the way, you should be more careful and not rush too much for doing any thing na ka.

    Gam, we heard about tornado over there in Wisconsin. We'll talk about this over Skype around 7 p.m. your time this Monday ka.

    Talk to you then.


  2. Test good!
    This time is very fun story.
    It's make me smile while reading ;-)
