Sunday, April 18, 2010

to day we went to the church.we came back and then we went to the ................ZOO!!!!!!!!!! i saw many animali saw deer bison snake snake bone bees and lots more!!! i dont know what the frist picture is.the second picture is the fox but it is not real.the next picture is the bird.then the bubler if i spell it wrong.Next the bear.after that is the turtle.and Emma's cat.and that is the snake bone.sunset.and my favorite....Deer! the snow leaport sleeping zzzzzzz and another deer i think.and last one the bison!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Today i woke up at about maybe 7:40 and Emma woke up at about maybe 7:59.We came down to eat some breakfast then we went to the party for 2 hours before we go home we went to the walmart i bought a gum when we went home host mom and host dad went to bowling and we have babysitter.Sorry i dont want to write many things today.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Today i woke up to go to school and i have to wash my hair today at school i study math spelling and lots more!and we went to the park! i run around and i played yhe swing it was very fun bit when i get down it was super dizzy! Food: poptart for breakfast and i forgot about lunch and noodle for dinner then we went to played the swing.then i do the! :) :( ^u^ sawaddee ka!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Today Iwoke up about 7:23.Today i have to wash my air because last night (very funny)Emma drop some of her ice cream in my hair!so when i finished take a shower and washed my hair i went to eat the breakfast thyen me and Emma went to the school.Today at school I learn math spelling reading and more! at luch i ate mini pancake cheese but i forgot what kind of cheese and chocolate milk.At break time i played kick ball.when i went back home i played american football with my host dad then i do the :0 :) :( ^U^

Monday, April 12, 2010

Today I woke up for secound week about 7:14. I change my cloth and came down for the breakfast.I choose pop tart for the breakfast.then i went to the school.I study about Bible then math then we went to study reading class.Our teacher came back from his trip to...I forgot.All time that we in his class he just told us about his picture form his trip! Next(i don't know if i skip something because i forgot what i have learn) i learn about the history of America.then we went to lunch we have cake water and....i we can play outside! today i did't play many things i just walk around the school with my friends then i played the ball with my another friends.when we go study again i think we study computer try to play siamcomic but it loading too long so i did't played anything and...this one is one of my favorite class art! today we cut the picture that we print out and color it last week we cut it and put them on the color paper that we choose the color i want black because it look good with my butterfly! then we study English and he is the same teacher that teach the reading class so...he still told us about his trip.i think we study a little bit more then me and Emma went we can't play outside.yesterday Emma and Dillon catch the ladybug in the box.I have to release them but Emma don't happy with that so i told that it might get kill Emma.I went outside and find the box i cant find it but host dad came home and saw it so i release all of it i think some of them might get kill and most of them are sleep.Weate the dinner today we have chicken and mash potato.I do the then my mom and my dad are calling but it a little bit too late for me my miss them.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

yesterday: Yesterday we went to the brewer game with my friend that came crom thailand! Today Emma woke me up because she want to show me her watches! I am try to sleep again but maybe 10 min host dad came and woke us up so we have to go down and eat the breakfast but my mom and dad will call me in the morning so...i have to go talked to my mom and dad when i came out everybody is finished eating their breakfast.we have the cinamonroll and milk for breakfast and we went to the bowling today me Emma and Dillon go played outside then we go bowling and after we go to the bowing (when we came back) TONG CAME TO MY HOST FAMILY HOUSE TO PLAY WITH ME!!! we played many toys! (host mom and host dad went riding)when tong went home we have another babysitter! we played outside we catch the ladybugs but i stop it because i think we made it hurt but Emma and Dillon still doing it.Then we came inside and ate the pizza for dinner i ate 3 of them.then host mom and host dad came back i show them the origami and now i remember how to make a balloon rabbit!Imade turtles birds and rabbits!

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

At 6:00 my alarm clock try to wake me up and I close it even i still sleeping!Today I woke up by Emma again she want to show me the origami bird that she made I saw it for maybe 2 secound and I sleep again.Then i woke up by Emma again but this time she sick so we have to dress up and me host mom Dillon Emma have to go to he hospital ( when it was raining).when we came back we just played somethig I forgot......we clean up te toy room.Then we ate the lunch.when host dad came back we ate the dinner with Emma Dillon host dad and host mom after we finished ate uor dinner me Emma Dillon and host played the ball.Today is Tuesday so host mom have to go bowling with her friend.Then I do the!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Today I woke up very late about 8:00 and today the weather is very good so i played outside all day with Emma and Dillon fiends I played with my pink ball.Then after they went back to their house then we have lunch me and Dillon ate macaroni and cheese and Emma ate sanwish.After we finish they came back again (they are living near us) we played the swinngs and.......when they went home mom have to cleaning so she gave us some thing(I forgot what it was call) to playwe blow many bubbles! Then host mom Dillon Emma and me went to sit outside we took some pillow mat and blanket to sit and just relax but we have to go inside because it maybe rain. When host dad came back we have lunch we have KFC,mash potato and corn for lunch.Then I do the Blogger .com!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Today I am sleepy so i dont want to write anything much. Today I wake up late Emma try to wake me up she very nervous about Easter but I just said to her I sleepy I want to sleep more.When i readyI came down then I saw a basket with many present in it I got Pokemon cards,pink ball with water and glitter in it ,bag,bop it,20Q and lipgloss(lot of it).then we do the Easter eggs hunt then we went to the church and iam wear the drass that host mom bought it for me.Then we went to the Easter party.Then we went to host dad mom and dad house.then we went home to play american football.then i do the!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Today I woke up a little bit late about 8:00.In the morning I ate chocolate pop tart for the breakfast and milk for drinking.Today we have Easter egg hunt with Emma and Dillon's friend I got lot of them! inside 1 egg there maybe a candy,eraser,sticker,money and toy.I never saw many candy in Thailand before!everyone played outside but I came inside and played with the candies! Then when everyone went home we (Host mom Host dad Emma Dillon and me) have to clean the eggs.After we finish cleaning the eggs me host mom Emma and Dillon went to go buy some shoes I got 3 new shoes 1 for my school 1 for runninng and 1 for the church tomorrow(host mom bought a dress before).Then host mom and host dad went outside so we have a babysiter.I play with Emma we took some picture of our dolls with some candies! We ate pizza for dinner.We made the color egg then me and Emma have to try the cloth to go to the church tomorrow!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The frist picture is the fish that Dillon caught!
The second picture is the fish that i caught big one! and the last one is almost the same at the seccond picture same fish but closer!

Today i cant write anything much.At night the cat woke me up because it want me to pet it i have to take maybe 20 min for me to go to sleep again! Todayi took a shower and washed my hair and iam a little too late today.After school today I went fishing with my host family i try my frist time and i got it! it big! cute! and colorful!