Tuesday, April 6, 2010

At 6:00 my alarm clock try to wake me up and I close it even i still sleeping!Today I woke up by Emma again she want to show me the origami bird that she made I saw it for maybe 2 secound and I sleep again.Then i woke up by Emma again but this time she sick so we have to dress up and me host mom Dillon Emma have to go to he hospital ( when it was raining).when we came back we just played somethig I forgot......we clean up te toy room.Then we ate the lunch.when host dad came back we ate the dinner with Emma Dillon host dad and host mom after we finished ate uor dinner me Emma Dillon and host played the ball.Today is Tuesday so host mom have to go bowling with her friend.Then I do the blogger.com!


  1. Has Emma been OK? Hopefully, she is fine and can play with you now. Did everyone has to wait for a long time to see Emma's doctor? Was it longer or shorter than the time you had to wait to see your doctor in Thailand?

    By the way, did you teach Emma to do origami turtle? We already answered the question you posted in the comment of your April 5 blog ka.

    Luv na ka,
    Goy & Jee

  2. Tomorrow is May birth day do you want to come??
    If you come Post coment to May and we will give you our host family address OKey OK

    Jan and May :)
