Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Hello! everyone long time no see! i am here cause i still have few joke that i did't tell U! now we have to go backwards. when i was in chicago.....that day T.George took us to go shopping.(that is not the funny part) i bought some stuff that i need. we went to apple store. i bought some itune cards to share with my friends.the next day. at night me may jan and june were chating. suddenly we smelled something was burning!!! that must me the hotel!! we all think the same!! then i say let go see in the hallway!! oh i 4 got to tell u that before that T.George and P'nuchee help us pack our bags.( u need to know this because it is the part of that funny things) and now they were at another room helping other kids pack there bags. let's continue...we ran out and we found nothing. but we still smell the smoke. so somone said lets go back there is nothing here go before T.George see us. when we walk to the door....i said..wait! how can we get in i dont have the key!!!!!!every one was quiet. then june point at my hand and said ther is the key! (this hotel use key cards) i think about it 4 a while cause i didnt remeber i pick it up. and i was right i didnt pick it up because when we turn it another side it is itune card!! O[]o!! that i remember i put it in my and because i afriad going to say i will lose it. we want to laugh loudy but we cant cause it in the middle of the night.and me might wake someone up..soo......after that we saw P' jet and someone i cant remember. they try to help us get in but nothing work. so we have to face T.George.when we went ask him 4 the key he was super angry... today i just want to tell you that!! see u next time!!


  1. like always everyone who read this blog please omment!!!

  2. June told me about this, I did laught already.
    it was funny.What smell came from??..

  3. I am still reading Gam! You do a great job! I'm sure George is not mad anymore!

  4. Gam, keep blogging, I love your funny stories. We really miss you here. I hope we can see you again next year.
