Monday, May 16, 2011

I am here again! lasst time i 4 got to tell u something :P now it is about the trip back to bangkok thailand. We were having problem with our bag. its too heavy so we have to move some stuff aroud... and when T.George was not looking i know that my carry on bag is super heavy. then i weight it and that was shocking cause it weight is 25 lbs. before it was heavier than that plus that time i have to carry the chicago bag that i share with june. that time before i went to chicago i have to purse on my left shoulder,chicago bag on my right shoulder, on my back i have my backpack in my back pack i have very heavy things such as my computer,5 books some clothes and more. my left hand have my clothes suitcase and my right hand have my gift suitcase. It was super heavy!!! when i walk out the door i have to walk backwords in front of. June walk out before me and we hit each other!! Ok i will continue my story about the travel...from america to japan it takes 11 hours on an airplane. but i was lucky cause i get ti sit with june jan and may. when we get on the plane we play something very strange. we took of our shoes and smell let see who have the most smell bad foot! everything was good until we found that the people infront of me is kind of weird. she said to me stop kicking her seat. but i didnt to anything. then i ask my to change seat with me. when may sit she like to take her shoes off and take er feet on her OWN seat. bu that peopple still said stop kicking her seat!! so may said in thai to us how can i kick her seat if my feet is here she saw ghost or what? why she keep truning here? XP when we change the plane at japan we have to run as fast as we can...when we was on the plane i get ti sit with P'Net P'beam and Jan. P'Net have to help me take the bag up to the things that keep the bag up there ( i dont know what its called ) then the air hostess she is thai but i have to write in english cause u wont understand what it mean. she said be care full dont let it fall on passenger's head .....555 and it was the 25 lbs. bag that i am talking about if it falls on your head I am very sure u going to have a broken neck! skip to when i went home.. when i go to america i never cry but i went home i did u want to know why? well i have to take a shower before i go to sleep at home and i was playing with my soap. i hold the soap and hit it to the wall. then the water from the soap split in to my eyeball!! @#$%^&* i dint really cried but the tears come out.... :'( OK and not today I am going to watch the movie "hop" at the cinema with my parents and tomorrow I have to go to school now i will be in grade 7!! and i am still 11 years old > < bye!! every one who read this please comment!


  1. Very funny story Gam! Keep posting! I hope school goes well for you!

  2. Gam you write such funny stories! I hope your family is well. Have fun in school, maybe when you return next year, you can teach me more math! 5555
