Thursday, August 16, 2012

Everything I could remember

Hello!Yesterday I didn't write my blog so I am going to write it today.....The story I am going to write about happen yesterday...

That day Jan and Jade ( Jade is me and Jan closest friends ) bought a cactus to make a little garden ( I don't know what it is called ) anyway...In math class she realized that there was a red fur in her skin. It look like a splinter but it is softer. So she ask the math teacher to go to the nurse room. When she came back suddenly she realized that she has it a lot somewhere around her arm. By that time she knew where the splinter come from...'The cactus'.She said to me that she was very surprised becausethe cactus she bought has a soft fur.... So she ask to go again...The first thing our teacher said to her was "It just a 'cat scratch' why do yu have to go twice?" I hope you did realized the mistake in jan and our teacher's I say it to him cleary again so he could understand. Suddenly I came up with an idea...I ask jan for a card (any kind)I knew this long ago that when a bee stung you. You can use a card to scratch (softly) to take the sting (I am not sure what it is called)out so I use it that way...and yes, It worked out then i put on a peice of tape on her skin and wax the the splinter from the cactus out.....but that is not the end of the story...After math class ended me and some of the other student walk out of the class room to see that 'dangerous' cactus..It surprise me very much. Just like Jan said. It fur was soft. "Seven".. he is kind of naughty..Just a little..I think you should decide for yourself after you finish reading this story....He said "What?! Just this cactus?! It can't harm anyone! Jan must got that from other thing." but before I could say "No, I am the one who helped her I am sure that the splinter look like this" He put his thumb and his pointer finger pn that cactus and squeeze it. By that time he didn't look painful at I felt that he might be right but everything changed...He take his fingers out and show it to me while saying " you see it now? nothing happened to my finger!" but...WHEN HE SAY THIS DOES HE EVEN LOOK AT HIS FINGER!!! I am sure that he didn't because there are red splinter all over the area of his finger that he touch the cactus!!!! It was even worse than Jan's ...So I said to him just like I wrote it in here..He look at his finger then look at me with a very shocked face..Oh i get it now, he just realized it about a seccond what do you think? naughty or crazy?

So I told everyone about his. Instead of leaving the cactus alone everyone touch the cactus softly...That's why I always think that "If you are normal (which mean not crazy in this case) you can't stay in this classroom..or you might get a headache or even worse...Me? well..believe it or not..even I look quiet (If you didn't see me in my class) Shy ( same reason as the other one to think this is true) I am the strangest girl in the class!!! I did a lot of crazy things...but not dangerous..You might think like..How? or What did you do? This story happened long ago..

#1)just the perfect timing before my fiends sit on a chair I pull the chair out
#2)me Jade and Jan once tied our shoe together and walk alog..
#3)Me and Jade used to put ice our shoe and have a race to see who got to the classroom first..
#4)I poured fish sause on my friend's chair
#5)I put a toothpaste in my friend's water bottle
#6)Me and Jade used to have a race by first-spin,spin,spin and then see who runs to Jan first
#7)sometime we laugh without any reason (I know this sound like a..umm..)
#8)I put a dry ice in a toilet
#9)Me,May and Momay put "MY" sock on the restroon mirror
#10)I like to roll my self in a very big blanket and ask my friend to tied me with jackets...(I cant run or use one of my hands)

And how Did I get all of that things from?(blanket,toothpaste and etc?) well..It is not just me who  is crazy so..some of my friends bought some clothes to change when they have to play sports but they didnt take it back..(I dont understand either why didn't those clothes got rotten?) Blanket? well our room is super cold,bittery cold or anything cold as posible(If you wear glasses in that room and you come out There will be fog on your glass)espiacially when we have reading class no one dare to talk because when the teacher call you to continue and you dont know where the others were you will get punish.If you did't go to see the teacher at lunch everyone is going to get punish plus because we have 2 air con and we use both of them..of couse we set both of the temperature to the coldest one..why we don't make it warmer instead of bringing those stuff? I don't know either... I will make this very short..We have no reason why we should bought all of that stuff here..

#2)thai fabrics
#4)Thai traditional clothes(actually it should be in the thai dancing room)
#5)Chargers (Iphone,Blacjberry and etc.)
#6)both boys and girls scout hat (in case someone forgot to bring it)..This one I don't evem know where it come from..They say they lost their hats in the classroom then buy a new one so when a ask my friend who the hats really was I always get this answer "I don't know"
#12)color papers

so Imagine something very messy in the back of your classroom..When you need something...Just find it over there no matter what it is....

Next time I will write about how much my friend "Jade" afraid of the game named.."The house"

1 comment:

  1. Haha, you're not crazy Gam, just a very funny practical-joker!
