Friday, August 10, 2012


Hello!! it is 10 august 2012. I haven't write my blog for a long time but the reasom why I wrote this blog is because I miss America and my host family the most! I write this blog because it is a way to stay in touch with everybody at america.

Now I will tell you what had changed while I am here...Now I am in grade8 at same school. Many people said that my look changed a lot! I didnt felt anything in my face or my body changed but when most people who didnt see me just for 1 year usually say that...NEXT===>The story that I will tell you is...A scary story .... This story happened to my self and my friends just like a week ago. You need to know that usually in the schools in Thailand have ghost..But it is not things that you should seriously think about. Have I ever had any experience about these things? Yes..I think so...5 or 6 times I guess. But not in my school. Most of the school in Thailand used to be something before. Maybe an old school or jail, cemetery, etc. My school was used to be an older school. the age of the older school about 40 years...not very much because some school was 100 years old! Thats why I never think about anything related to ghosts at my school. But one day I heard a story from a teacher about type writer in this school. She said when my school used to be another school. There was a student who love typing. One day that student died (I forgot the reason).At that time at the fith floor they used to be a type writer room. From the day that the student died when someone walk past that room thay will here a typing sound. But when they walk inside the room there was no one there. Every body was very scared of this so the school take the type writer out. So I passed on the stories just for fun.. But one of my friend wanted to go to see. He just wondering what will happen. So me and my friends (that include Jan!) Sneak up to the forth floor.Actually I just wanted to see the old sign of this school but the others don't...we walk to the stairs(from 4 to 5 floors)but the stairs were locked..we need key to open it. so we walk to another stairs(stairs from forth floor to fith floor) That stairs were locked too..but even key cant open it because the way before the stairs were blocked. So you absolutely cant go up. So we stay infront of the seccond stairs.At the left side of the seccond stair were blocked one could go up to the fith floor and no one can be at the left side of the hallway. I didnt think of these reason until these things happened...we went there and nothing happened but we decided to stay there until the break end. while we were talking..sudenly "BANG!!!" there was a very lound noise coming from somewhere!! I am still standing where I am! Thinking about all the reason! No one are allowed to come up at this time! The way were blocked! There was no wind! But..the most shocking thing I realize is...I am the only one who still stay in the same place!!! my friends all ran away and screaming loundly!!And I dont think they know where are they running! Even one of my friend he usually run very slowy but when this happen he runs the fastest! I even see one of my friend fall out of stairs  XD !! the first thing I do is not run away but laughing out loudly!! Because they are the one who said they wanted to try.What are you afriad of? and blablabla. I can't help anything with that you said it by yourself!! .I even see that their hair stand up! And thats what happened to them! I wish I could have a camera when that happened!! I still remember that shot!! The only thing I wanted to say is สมนํ้าหน้า! (som-nam-nah) it mean something like That's good for you but not really in a good way..55555!!!


  1. Gam do you remember any of the ghost stories I used to tell your class? I liked to make you & your friends jump with shock at the end of the story, hahah!

    I think I've heard a few ghost stories about the ghost on the fourth floor. But the one I heard was about a very mean teacher who would hit naughty students until they threw her out of the window. Hahah!

  2. Haha i do like this story and pround of maturity as u didn't run away sis :)

  3. 555 Most of the time I look like th one who scare the most but when it really happen I can still standing on my feet 5555
