Thursday, March 31, 2011

Hello this is Gam Natada Suvanprakorn. this is what happens today at american homestay: after we went out of the libraly we went home and we have freetime. the snow were still here but some of it already melt away. we have snowball fight with our start with ... me and June went 4 a walk like always. When we came back home our neighber threw snowball at me! So....I grab some snow make a snowball and threw at him!!! but he avoid i do it again and again I hit him a lot ^.^ but they hit me more... I look around and saw that June is alone playing at the swing. She look lonely I am afraid that she might have the homesick so I went to talk to her. then I help her push the swing. She help pushes me too :) But ... this is what happens exacty. Gam: hey June can i play too ?? June:ok then i sit and hold tightly on the string. June start pushing me . Suddenly the swing start to spin and I cant stop it!!!! June try to help but then....I fall of to the ground and a bit covered with mud :( it happens a lot of time . we play snowball 4 a little bit more . Me and June went 4 a walk again.I saw 4 dogs at the park near our house. We went to check the ice. Then we came back home.There are some people come to check the house. At dinner we have macraroni and cheese. normally it is one of my favorite food but this time since I came down from the airplane i felt that i dont want to eat i want to eat but whe i eat i felt done want to eat this is not normalto me because last time i like every thing and thanks to T.George that he help me lose my weight ( I am not sure but i think ) his spagetti is ummm......hard to descripe it taste umm...let skip this -.-''' and now i am writing my blog from the girls room the girls and the boys have singing battle..... XP i am not 1 of them . I think they want to make another room angry or felt umm.. we dont have that words in english.. Message to my mother: mom i want to buy something let talk skype tomorrow at 3:oo I try to on if i dont ...we can talk later.
hello this is Gam Natada Suvanprakorn.Now I am blogging from the manitowoc public Library.Today we went to the mariton museum. it is the museum that show us about the boats and submarine. we went to that museum last year too. TODAY: i wake up at 6:20 with jan again ^-^ . When i woke up i went to brush my teeth with jan. today the snow melt down a lot from yesterday. T.George told us that the bus will arrive about 9 o'clock so we hurrily derss up and get ready to go but.I am not sure that is it too fast or not because when we got on the bust the only person who is not got on is t.George +.+. we are going to manitowoc to visit the mariton museum. when we arrived there i dont think it going to be this cold no..i dont think but i forgot. i went here before and i knew that it is near the river.they remember me may and jane because we wear the animal hat like the last time. We went in there and they show us about the submarine. Form the last time they told us that one of the submarine that was buit in wisconsin sunk in Gulf of thailand. we went out to see the old submarine .we get in there too. it was very cold near the river or it is lake? (4 got ) . after they told us about the submarine we went to go shopping in the museum. me May Jan and June bought some chocolate. june and jan bought the mood necklace. may bought the ring that can change colour. i want to buy the mood necklace but i think i already have my favorite necklace ^U^ ( mother should know what necklace that i like the most) . when we finish shopping we went to eat lunch . T.George took us too eat pizza . It is the same resturant we went last time. me june and jan bought bubble gum ( each is 25 cent ). I bought 4 then i share them with my friends :) . I got blue,pink purple and orange . I trade purple with June's orange bubble gum. while T.George took us to the museum i saw a dead bird lying on the floor :o . then we are here at the libray

Message for my mom: mom i dont think that 20 lines a day going to work because T.George let us blog after we done 1 thing. i think can u count the total lines in one day? please comment to answer. By: gamgaew Lines i wrote this time: about 30 lines :D

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Dinner (just dinner)

Now iam going to write just about the dinner. คุนเเม่ขาถ้าคุนเเม่ได้อ่านนี้หนูขอบอกว่านี้แค่เขียนเกี่ยวกับกินข้าว 20 บันทักไม่นับ Today Fieder came to eat dinner with us they bought Pizza and apple pie to eat together. we played with thier children. when we finished eating we have to wash our dishes. Bye Bye!! บ้ายบาย!!

3 in 1

Hello I am Gam. Sorry that i didnt write my blog 4 a long time. 2 days ago....when i came to america (sorry i am too lazy to do capital letter) we r super tired and bored. we have to sit on an airplane 4 almost a day!!!! when we transit the airplane at japan we bought some food to eat. I bought moji. June bought chocolate and Jan bought banana cake. and then we have to sit on an airplane for 15 hours . when we are on miniopolis we saw that it was snowing !!! a lot more than last time !!!! when i am on the airplane from minioppolis to valder or green bay i cant remember...i try not to sleep...i opened my eyes i thought i selpt already but we r still on the ground is true i wake up and we arrive already . the next morning.....we ate breakfast and have fun sorry i am too lazy i dont have mood to write very long but i will try. Skip to today i wake up with jan at the same time at 6:05 i got the exacly time vbvb we brush our teeth . I went to eat breakfast.aah i dont know what ti write นักเขียนหมดอารมค้าา kkk ต่อๆ we have snowball fight with our neighber but.the boys destroy the snow man that we have try to make 4 two days !!!!!! เริ่มไม้ไหวเเว้วววว have to write 7 more ...... T.George mother took us to the wal mart to buy something. me and June bought glove may bought nothing..and June bought mouse too !!! โอ้ย ปวดคอ i bought white glove and june bought grey glove . so cute! 5 more.... วันนี้ไม้อยากกเขียนเลยยย i cant write many things today it most personal stuff and most of them is not very good.but iam very happy today not today but when i saw very cuty fluffy doggy with his or her owner .....he let us pet his doggy >///< that make me things of my sister......and my other pet oh! sorry sister vbvb (อิอิ ) only 1 more now I am writing my blogger with June Jan is doing her skype with her mother may is writing her blogger too . I hope that is enough 4 u mom

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Today is Thursday 23 March 2011 now the time is 8:38pm (why the numbers look like that ??) Now I am 11 years old .my weight is 51kg (i am very fat)I live in Bangkok Thailand.I am one of the student in a homestay trip with T.George.This is my seccond trip to America homestay.I am very excited to see my host family (the Miller) and T.George family again ^.^ when we go to America T.George said that we have to do the same as the last time. My mom said i should talk about the over night camp....I went to the over night camp with my friends.We did lots of things .T.George said I, May, Jan and June had to help him make the lunch.I was in charge of opening the tuna can . The first 3 cans could be opened easily but the forth I tried to open it and accidentally broke it!!! I saw that T.George was coming I look around and I saw Jan I hurrily passed the broken tuna can to her and ran away :P .Later, I, May, Jan, and June were talking at the table 4 a while and we were getting boring. So, we tried to find something to do. We saw Mung, Sea and James. We talked with them for a few second. I looked around and saw T.George was coming. He came talk to us and said that we must help him clean up the table. I and June were behind T.George(he didnt see us). We quietly ran away...

call my mom but he didnt let me do so...May and Jan were in the pool already while I was wearing Pajamas. I jumped right into the pool with my pajamas!!!!! when I thought about such story in the paI forgot to bring my swimming suit to the Pudgimelon center :( I was very angry. There 4, I borrowed Jan's mobile phone and tried to call my mother but my mother did not answer. It ended up with 15 miss call XP . May said I should try to call my father maybe he stayed with my mom (My mom never answer her mobile phone). I called him. When he answered he said my mom was sleeping. I didn't know what to do but I remembered my last time camping that I forgot my swimming suit too. I loved swimming there4 I asked T.George tost, I went in to the room where all the bags were. I found some cloth that I could wear 4 swimmng and I did the same as last time . but this time was worse because May,Jan, and I forgot to bring our SHAMPOO. May and Jan used soap to wash their hair while I and June just used water XP. June didnt have enough cloth to wear. So, she had to wear pajamas and she asked me to wear pajamas too. I wear my mother's shirt that used 4 sleep and very pink fluffy snowman pants(very good 4 sleeping). 2-3 hours later, T.George said we were to go to bowling. I had only 1 jean pants which I wore the whole day before swimming and it must be used for tomorrow :(

I have to tell u that I DONT LIKE pepsi, coke, and almost all kind of soda. We had to walk from Bunto Village to the Avenue plaza which we all were very thirsty since it took about 15 min to get to the Avenue plaza. We spent 15 more min for bowling. I heard that T.George ordered some drink for us which I was very happy, but T.George ordered just PEPSI :( . We came back from the bowling about 11 pm, finished brushing our teeth, and went to bed (but not to sleep). Jan told me and May the bed time story (because June was asleep) about cinderella 2011. At the other side of the room, group of older girls were using there notebook. T.George came to check me, May and Jan while we pretended to sleep, but T George knew that TT o TT. Around 12:08 am, we were still awake and T.George came to check us which we pretended to sleep again. However, this time it worked!!! the bad news was that the older girls was scolded by T George x.x . We woke up at 6 am . T George told us that it would take a long time to make the breakfast for 18 kids. While we were on the stairs, we saw Sea, James, Mung and other boys swimming, We then went to swim too. T.George called us 4 breakfast. We ate pancakes (a lot) with our swimming suit wearing!!!! We had to wash the dishes with our swimming suit wearing too. This was NOT because of T. George's order, but some other people didn't do so >:( Our parents came to pick us up around 4 pm.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Hello! I am Gam.I going to America again in 8 days! :)