Wednesday, March 30, 2011

3 in 1

Hello I am Gam. Sorry that i didnt write my blog 4 a long time. 2 days ago....when i came to america (sorry i am too lazy to do capital letter) we r super tired and bored. we have to sit on an airplane 4 almost a day!!!! when we transit the airplane at japan we bought some food to eat. I bought moji. June bought chocolate and Jan bought banana cake. and then we have to sit on an airplane for 15 hours . when we are on miniopolis we saw that it was snowing !!! a lot more than last time !!!! when i am on the airplane from minioppolis to valder or green bay i cant remember...i try not to sleep...i opened my eyes i thought i selpt already but we r still on the ground is true i wake up and we arrive already . the next morning.....we ate breakfast and have fun sorry i am too lazy i dont have mood to write very long but i will try. Skip to today i wake up with jan at the same time at 6:05 i got the exacly time vbvb we brush our teeth . I went to eat breakfast.aah i dont know what ti write นักเขียนหมดอารมค้าา kkk ต่อๆ we have snowball fight with our neighber but.the boys destroy the snow man that we have try to make 4 two days !!!!!! เริ่มไม้ไหวเเว้วววว have to write 7 more ...... T.George mother took us to the wal mart to buy something. me and June bought glove may bought nothing..and June bought mouse too !!! โอ้ย ปวดคอ i bought white glove and june bought grey glove . so cute! 5 more.... วันนี้ไม้อยากกเขียนเลยยย i cant write many things today it most personal stuff and most of them is not very good.but iam very happy today not today but when i saw very cuty fluffy doggy with his or her owner .....he let us pet his doggy >///< that make me things of my sister......and my other pet oh! sorry sister vbvb (อิอิ ) only 1 more now I am writing my blogger with June Jan is doing her skype with her mother may is writing her blogger too . I hope that is enough 4 u mom


  1. Gam, this is a great blog. I can see that you are working very hard on it. Good job!

    Are you sad that the boys destroyed your snowman? I saw you and your friends working on it. You worked very hard!

    What about the cheese factory and the farm? You didn't talk about that at all. Do you have any photos you can post?

    Keep up the good work. This is a very interesting blog.

  2. Gam, we are so excited to see you soon. Emma and Dillon are very anxious to see there "big sister" again. I'm glad you got to see snow again. Please keep blogging, I am very interested in what you have to say and how you feel about your american experiences. See you soon.

  3. You know what? I think you forgot to tell us the frying pan story during your travelling; especially, at the immigration points of both Japan and America. We (both mom & dad) enjoyed reading your blog very much ka.

    As uaual, we always love you and hope that you're gonna have a good time there.

    Mom & Dad
