Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The second day with school

This is the picture when me roller-skate!

Today I woke up about 7:00 It a little bit too late for me.....Than Emma and Dillon have to take a shower last night they didn't do it because I use it.Then we have a breakfast pop tart it was a very cute food it look like a big cookie and have something white on the top and inside there was some strawberry it taste very good i like it.After we finish eating our breakfast we go to school.At the school I have learn spealling,social,health,gym class or PE and lot more! but i forgot all of it.......when we have lunch the food that i remember is apple sause chocolate milk and other thing i forgot........when we have a break we play 4 square and then we study something i for got.....when we have a break again we play American football.Welearn something then my host family come and take me and Emma.We don't go to the Piggly Wiggly but Dillon have a hair cut when he finish we ate a snack then my host mom take me Emma and Dillon go home.Today we can't play outside so i play wii with Dillon.then i ate the dinner with my host family i ate lot of mashed potato(very very very very very much)and i ate it with butter it very tasty! with drinking Propel (blue) when we finish eating the dinner we have some ice-cream then Emma go to her room go to make her bed then we play with dolls for a short time then host dad call me and he said my mom and my dad will call me little early today then i call them and I talked to symmar this time she looking at me and then she make sad face like she very miss me it make me feel i very miss her too i want to tell Symmar that I LOVE HER VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Wow! … you wrote so long. This is excellent. We (Mom & Dad) could now know how things are going on over there. Thank you very much Gam for updating your blog. If you have time, please keep doing it on a daily basis... O.K.? I also noted from your blog that your host sibling have Wii game. Did you play the same game as you did in Thailand? Symmar is fine don't worry and we believe that she always love and think of you same as us.

  2. Gam your blogs are amazing. You are putting a lot of detail into them, great job!

    It seems to me that you want to go to Piggly Wiggly very much, hahah! What do you want to buy in Piggly Wiggly?
