Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Today maybe I woke up about 7:00.We ate cereal for breakfast then my host mom (Dori Miller).Then she take me Emma and Dillon to school.Today at the school we went to the chruch for singing.After we go to the church we study (only thigs that i can remember)English Art and computer in computer class i play Robot wants Kitty.In lunch time we have egg from yesterday hamburger water and something i dont know what it call but it tasty i like it.Then we have a break we played 4 square and another break we play American football then we study a little more than my host family came the same like yesterday we didt go to Piggly wiggly.We played outside a littlle bit then i went to see Emma and Dillon dance class.We are very lucky My host mom saw many puppies and we can go played with it two puppies bit my shoes one of them bit my finger! when we went back home we have Pizza for dinner.^.^ ^-^ :) and............................................I LOVE YOU VERY VERY VERY VERY MUCH SYMMAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. That's very good ka Gam. If you have time, keep daily updating your blog na ka. We (Dad & Mom) are looking forward to viewing your blog everyday. By the way, you have not yet tell us the name of Wii game you played with Emma and Dillon. Was it the same as that you played here in Thailand; such as, Sim or Wii sport?

    Talk to you over Skype video call at 7:30 p.m. this evening Wisconsin time na ka.

    Always love and miss you ka,

  2. Great job on your blog Gam, keep it up!

    Sea and James told me you liked American football, but I cannot imagine it. I want to see you play, are you good at it?

    How are Emma and Dillon? Are you being a good big sister for them? I know you are!

  3. Gam I love your pictures of the snow. I have watched the video T. Gorge took of you when he visited your school. You are a great student!
    I am happy that you are having fun and learning at the same time. Love, Mrs. Carroll
