Sunday, March 21, 2010

We woke up at about 5:58 Than we ate the pancake for the breakfast than me and May have to take the shower when we finished taking the shower we walked to the church at the church we do many things we saw Jame,Sky, and Gird host family.We walked back to our house to eat chili for our lunch.We have to walked to T.George's mom house.T.George said we have to do the blogger .com but we dont have many computer so we have to wait until it our turn while we waiting we play lego than we go to eat the dinner with T.George family.


  1. Hello girl, I'm a Sky's Mom. I love to read your story. You're so great. Keep writing na ka..I'll follow your story every day ka.. :)

  2. Hello Gam. I am Kevin Miller. My wife Dori and I are your host family. We are very much looking forward to meeting you. Our children, Emma & Dillon are also very anxious to meet you. Please keep blogging about your experience, we look forward to reading it every day. See you on Saturday.
