Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Today i woke up late.We went to the musium .I bought many thing.Then we went to the resturunt.They have Thai food I ate it with my friends then we went to the Libery to do blogger.com


  1. Hello Gam, This is your Mom and Dad. We are sorry that we didn't give any comments before. We didn't know that we can talk to you through this blog. Actually, we used to try once and it didn't work. We just know from May's Dad how to post our comments here.

    We follow your blog everyday and hope that you will keep writing (blogging) as many as you can na ka. We already installed Webcam and microhone on our computer at home, and also used them for video call with your host family (Mr. and Mrs. Miller). Once you stay with Miller family (this coming Saturday), we will talk to you while seeing faces with each other. We are looking forward to seeing you this coming Saturday ka.

    By the way, I wonder if you've got any running nose. Don't forget to take the pill every night O.K.?

    Always love you ka,
    Jee & Goy

  2. I'm one of your followers ja. Do you like Thai food in America? What did you order? Everybody said it's so spicy, right?
