Monday, April 12, 2010

Today I woke up for secound week about 7:14. I change my cloth and came down for the breakfast.I choose pop tart for the breakfast.then i went to the school.I study about Bible then math then we went to study reading class.Our teacher came back from his trip to...I forgot.All time that we in his class he just told us about his picture form his trip! Next(i don't know if i skip something because i forgot what i have learn) i learn about the history of America.then we went to lunch we have cake water and....i we can play outside! today i did't play many things i just walk around the school with my friends then i played the ball with my another friends.when we go study again i think we study computer try to play siamcomic but it loading too long so i did't played anything and...this one is one of my favorite class art! today we cut the picture that we print out and color it last week we cut it and put them on the color paper that we choose the color i want black because it look good with my butterfly! then we study English and he is the same teacher that teach the reading class so...he still told us about his trip.i think we study a little bit more then me and Emma went we can't play outside.yesterday Emma and Dillon catch the ladybug in the box.I have to release them but Emma don't happy with that so i told that it might get kill Emma.I went outside and find the box i cant find it but host dad came home and saw it so i release all of it i think some of them might get kill and most of them are sleep.Weate the dinner today we have chicken and mash potato.I do the then my mom and my dad are calling but it a little bit too late for me my miss them.


  1. I heard from T. George that you are very good in mathmetic of your class. Is it true? I'm so proud of you ... Gam. No more American football? You've got to teach me how to play American football when you are back here na ka. I really love to read your blog everyday ka.

    Love you very very very much ka,
