Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Today Iwoke up about 7:23.Today i have to wash my air because last night (very funny)Emma drop some of her ice cream in my hair!so when i finished take a shower and washed my hair i went to eat the breakfast thyen me and Emma went to the school.Today at school I learn math spelling reading and more! at luch i ate mini pancake cheese but i forgot what kind of cheese and chocolate milk.At break time i played kick ball.when i went back home i played american football with my host dad then i do the Blogger.com :0 :) :( ^U^


  1. You are so lovely to keep updating your blog ka. How did that happen (ice cream dropping on your head)? It's really a funny story. This made me and your Dad laughed while we read the blog.

    Can you explain your feelings according to your symbols :0 :) :( and ... (I really don't know how to type your last symbol)?

    We love our sweetheart Gam ka,

  2. Those are called "emoticons". People use those icons to show emotions on the internet. For example: :) = smile (if you look at it sideways).

    I'll let Gam explain the rest to you ;-).

  3. did Jee write this or dad did this?
