Saturday, April 3, 2010

Today I woke up a little bit late about 8:00.In the morning I ate chocolate pop tart for the breakfast and milk for drinking.Today we have Easter egg hunt with Emma and Dillon's friend I got lot of them! inside 1 egg there maybe a candy,eraser,sticker,money and toy.I never saw many candy in Thailand before!everyone played outside but I came inside and played with the candies! Then when everyone went home we (Host mom Host dad Emma Dillon and me) have to clean the eggs.After we finish cleaning the eggs me host mom Emma and Dillon went to go buy some shoes I got 3 new shoes 1 for my school 1 for runninng and 1 for the church tomorrow(host mom bought a dress before).Then host mom and host dad went outside so we have a babysiter.I play with Emma we took some picture of our dolls with some candies! We ate pizza for dinner.We made the color egg then me and Emma have to try the cloth to go to the church tomorrow!


  1. Wow Gam, I really like your photos. They look so colorful and bright. You are a great photographer!

  2. Sounds like you're enjoying the Easter event. We're glad to hear that. In fact, we're feeling a little bit jealous for what you got from the Easter eggs. Could you share us for such candies?

    The pictures you posted are so cute. We couldn't remember your German Shepherd doll's name, though. Did you name it? One missing thing is the people's photo. Pls also post people photos on your blog next time na ka. We would like to see your and your Miller family's photos; especially, your siblings (Emma & Dillon). If possible, pls also show us your picture with new dress that you wear at the church.

    You're excellent ka Gam.
    Dad & Mom
