Monday, April 5, 2010

Today I woke up very late about 8:00 and today the weather is very good so i played outside all day with Emma and Dillon fiends I played with my pink ball.Then after they went back to their house then we have lunch me and Dillon ate macaroni and cheese and Emma ate sanwish.After we finish they came back again (they are living near us) we played the swinngs and.......when they went home mom have to cleaning so she gave us some thing(I forgot what it was call) to playwe blow many bubbles! Then host mom Dillon Emma and me went to sit outside we took some pillow mat and blanket to sit and just relax but we have to go inside because it maybe rain. When host dad came back we have lunch we have KFC,mash potato and corn for lunch.Then I do the Blogger .com!


  1. Do you like macaroni & cheese more than sandwich? What are the ages of your neighboring friends? Are they younger or older than you?

    If possible, please also tell us your feeling on a daily basis na ka.

    Love you very much ka,
    Goy & Jee

  2. "on a daily basis" means everyday ka. We just want you to tell us how you feel everyday na ka; for example, today I'm very happy, sad, or boring.

    Luv ka,
    Goy & Jee
