Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!!!

I am sos sorry that I didnt write anything yesterday because I was busy playing chess with my host dad....I lost him twice....but it was soooo close...all he could do at that time was trying to avoid his king to get killed by my queen and sudenly I lost...well it is hard to explain the whole thing....but hope you get the Idea.

Yesterday:    Nothing happened much yesterday.... Me my host mom Emma and Dillon went to walmart and Khole to find Emma's new shoes for Easter and to find the furbies...Furby is very popular in thailand ( I dont know why) and they are very expensive there...about 3000-4000 bath....about 100-133$ and I heard that in america it is only 50$ so many people who wanted a furby ask me to buy it for them (they will pay then later) and that is all we do yesterday.

Today:    Today is Easter!!!! we wake up at about 8 o clock then me Dillin and Emma had an Easter eggs hunt at our house! For this time I recieved tattoos, candies, and etc. from the easter bunny :)
After that we went to the church. Then we went to My host mom's cousin's house and everyone had an Easter egg hunt even the adults! There was an Golden egg that has 20$bill in it!! you dont need to get so excited because I didnt find it...onther people did. For the seccnd Easter egg hunt I recieved lip glosses, candies, neckalce, and...other I cant remember....It was a very fun thing to do!

ETC. well....many people already knew (actually most peple do..)that Jinny, Bankpun, Sai and May likes to talk about boys.well that isnt a weird for a teenage girl...but this will sure sound weird...Onw day T.George took us to the candy shop ( that we tried the chocolate soda ) Me June Didi and Dada are sitting together and suddenly after we ordered our soda June suddenly said "Hey that waitress looks very cute!" I didnt get a chance to see her face I was busy looking at the menu. I know this is normal but how about the next thing I did?? but then I really wanted to see her soooo....I said " I cant see her face! that is not fair!!....I have a plan I will pretend to walk around the shop (pretend that I was looking at the chocolate) and when I walk past her I will get a chance to see her face!" I know... it sound  like I am a boy that is trying to flirt her....So I did what I said...and it is true she is cute! :)   all I can remember is she has big eyes, Golden hair and she is thin...wait one last thing...She is cute <3 555555="" :3="" a="" about="" agrees="" all....hehhehehe.....oh="" american="" an="" and.....does="" and....i="" and="" anerican="" anyone="" are="" asian="" at="" be="""" bigeyes="" cute="" dear="" didnt="" do="" dont="" example="" explained="" eyes="" flirt="" from="" get="" girl="" has="" her="" i="" if="" is="" it="" just="" know.="" know="" me="" might="" my="" nbsp="" need="" not="" ok="" p="" panic="" paragraph="" parent:="""" people="" reading="" really="" same="" serious="" she="" shop="" small="" smiled="" thai="" that="" thats="" the="" they="" thing="" think="" this="" to="" too="" true="" wanted="" well="" what="" who="" with="" you="">


Friday, March 29, 2013

Heavy heavy snowman

Hello everyone! Sorry that I didn't write anything yesterday. Well my host family came to pick me up a little late but I was very happy to see them. We stayed at the house a little longer before we walk to the car. I thought that I haven't had any funny experiences this time but I changed my mind when my head accidentally hit the calling of my host family car....but this trip most of the stuff didn't happen to me....May did...have anyone watch the Harlem shake that we made in the snow? Well....the best shot of it is when Pokpong destroy the snowman and it accidently fall on may's body! And she got stuck there until most of us went to help her. It use about 6-7 people to do that! The snowman was super heavy and I knew it was because when we were making the snowman...we storied so many ways to lift the second part of the snowman up but no matter how many people we use it didn't work so I came up with an I dea..I laid down and let them roll the giant snow ball on me then I will try to Stan up then once it off the ground it will be easier to lift and it works the send time! The first time when we were trying to lift it it was sooo heavy that they accidently drop it on my belly and I almost died! I can't even breathe so I knew how you feel may...

When we reach home I gave my host family my present and they also had a present for me too! :) they showed me a basket full of nail polishes, crafts , and sketch book. Thank you very much :D so I try them today. I just found out that I could draw flowers, butterfly and etc. on the nails by my self! Just like in the Solon or nails shop can do but I didn't make them as pretty as they can. But that is fine for me and I will post all the pictures I have when I know how to...but I have them don't worry! And my parents...I sent you an email please answer them as soon as possible...I sent them since yesterday by the way I think I wont be skyping a lot this year.

I think that is all I can write for today it might be a little too short but I will make the next ones longer. If I could.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

My blog might be a litle too short today because i dont have much time.

I am writing this at the school oppostie of the house that we are staying. T.George bought us here for a while to have classes.

Yesterday: yesterday after we finished writing our blogs at the library we went to roller skate with some of the host families. It turns out tthat most of the kids who come fromo thailand dont know how to play....but i still remember how to do it. Just a little....My host family went there too. So most of the time I skate around with Emma and sometimes with May because she knows how to skate a little..

Today: Today I woke up at 5:30 alone because June and Didi were too sleepy to get up. I tried to wake them up but it didnt work...I finished brushing my teeth at about 5:50. Then I went outside to take a walk alone...The other people wake up very late today...around 7:00-8:00 am. Theyhave to wake up because we are gift wraping the present for the host families and the principals. Then around 10 am we walk to the school across our house.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Cute alpaca and tasty cheese :D

Yesterday: that evening after i finished writing my blog we went to see the movie at a theater.
We watched the movie named the Croods. I don't understand why every time I come here I will had a chance so see  the movie that I haven't seen it on thailand but when I got back there my parent had already bought that movie .like the last time it was tangled. But this time I told you that I had already watched this movie. It was good by the way. That is all I could remember .

Today I woke up at 5:20 first I set my alarm clock at 5:30 but I accidently woke up at 5:20 am so I decided to get up and get ready to travel. After brushing my teeth and change my cloth I went outside with June and Didi. Today we have to leave the house at 9 am because we have to go to the cheese factory. Me may and June had been there once or twice already but most of the things I remember is how good the cheese taste :) we tried so many type and flavor of cheese there. After that we had lunch at Chinese buffet in new Holstein. Then we had a chance to go to a farm like the last time.   
There are a lot of cows there. I don't know if it was my own imagination but I felt that cows here looks bigger from the one one i see at thailand. We even had a chance to see the alpaca! Actually I knew this animal before....but I never really see it. It is soooo sooooo fluffy and cute! I wish I could have them as a pet. But one thing i heard that you have to be aware or is they might spit at you....T.George then took us to a shop where they sell mama m 150 and other stuff that look familiar from the one I see in thailand. There is something very funny when we went there. It wasn't about me though. Pokpong bought a blue little ball and he threw That little blue thing on the ground and expect it to bounce back into his hand but the moment the ball hit the ground it broke into many pieces...I hope ypu all get it...that thing was actually a gum ball not a ball...I saw all of this happen right in front of me and I just can't stop laughing! Sorry Pokpong!

Message to my parents: mommy I got an alpaca yarn and when I get back home could you teach me how to knit it? Or let my aunt teach me? Because whenever I start it I never really finish it but this time I will!!!!

Monday, March 25, 2013

I am soo lucky :)

Now I am here again at the library in manitowic. I have a good news for...for myself....yesterday we went to Mr.Lucky for dinner. The food taste fine for me. Me May, Gene and , Pokpong ordered BBQ rib to share together. The real reason we wanted to try it is because Gene is trying to find the most expensive food in the menu....and he found the BBQ rib. There is something more expensive in the menu but we are interested in this one so we ordered it. It turns out that the rib were very large and everyone was like Wow! So cheap! Bla bla bla....until we tried was tasty but the point is..there were about 40% meat and 60% rib...well at least there is something to eat. But what I like about last night is....can anyone remember my blog for the past years that I wrote about me and jan tried to play a game in Mr.lucky restaurant....the one about the doll. I don't know what exactly does it called but the one that you have to pick it up by moving the control stick and a button that will pick the doll up. last time I played this with Jan I got nothing..but I also paid 10 $ for trying....that make me think that why shouldn't I just buy the doll from Walmart? Well this time I have return for a revenge...I paid about 6$ and...I got 2 rabbit dolls! It is very cute! gene also got one for 2 dollars....I don't know why Gene is always always always so lucky....and that really really annoyed me! I remember that at my school back in Thailand the teacher gave the students a multiple choice turns out that no one can do it except Gene...he got about 9 out of 10 points. When everybody ask him why he said he guess. And it is true...I know it was true because he was sitting next to me! I saw him read the first question and he can't answer it so he move on..and on...he can't do anything but when the teacher said it is time to collect the work. I saw him chicle the answer without even looking or reading! But June... I don't know if it because she stays with me too much or what but it seems that we are usually in the same situation....            

Today I woke up at 5:30 am because a heard someone is walking or maybe stomping around the house. Well...I later find out that it was Japan running very I had a macaroni and cheese for breakfast and went out to see the sunrise with June and Didi. Today we were free so T.George held a snowman or snow house building contest....but the snow won't packed together  no matter what way we no one win...after that we went to Mrs. And Mr. Carroll's  house. I already gave my present to them. And Mrs.Carrol gave us a cat doll. I had the brown so now I have 5 dolls...the other two I brought them from thailand. I know I love dolls I don't care that I am now 13years old. :P after that we are here again at the library....

I don't know how to post the photos to if I had a better chance to try I will maybe at my host family house. For today goodbye everyone.

Etc. for today:
Yesterday June lost her address card. So we decided we should try to find today. Yesterday she check in her suitcase and find nothing so I ask her to help her check mine too because I can't remember where I put mine either... She said she found mine but she can't find hers. So today we went to check at the basement and found an address card. June was soooo happy. But when she picked it up and read turn out that that one is did she really check it for me -  - ? Anyway she found it her bag...she probably put in in there for purpose and then forget about it.

This paragraph I just wanted to ask everyone what is worse...1. Carrying a frying pan on the airplane for the whole flight...2. About my shoes on the previous blog...this is it for today Goodbye!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Yesterday and today

Hello! here I am again at the library.... Last night T.George take us go bowling and he also invited all of the host families too. so I got a chance to meet my host family again. Emma Dillon and Mrs.Miller  tried to surprise Mr.Miller about meeting me and I think they made it. Mr.Miller didn't know anything until he see me. My score on the bowling game? Emma and Dillon both did better than me! 555 and I am not surprised at all. The only worse part about last night is this: T.George said we have to go now so everyone put on their jacket, change their shoes and etc. I said goodbye to my host family. I know we will meet again soon but the thing is after 15 min that he said we have to leave he is still talking to the host family....15 min is still okay for me but 20 min past by....30 min past by... An hour past by...It seems that this is taking forever! At first I heard they talk about hosting etc. but 30 min after that I didn't even know what am I doing... I tried my best to stay awake but it didn't work so I decided to walk to the table where June and Didi was sitting and sleep right there for a moment...the the moment I put my head on the table I heard a call...Lets go! So that is what happened last night... And about today... I woke up at 6 am with Didi and June and get ready to go out. We finished every thing at about 8 am and then we went out. The weather was even colder than yesterday ... That is what most people said but like most of the time I didn't really fell it ... Most of the people said that I don't really feel hot or cold...well I am a little..just a little. So after we had our breakfast and free time we went to the church. While we walk back the the house it was snowing! So good news for me again ;) after that we had a lunch at Taco Bell. The food we eat is normal. Me June and Didi ordered a set that comes with nacho taco, burrito and a normal taco. But the drink might be a little wired... I don't know who idea was it but at least we were able to eat it..I was suggesting Mountain Dew and Mountain Dew zero. Well June mixed both of them into our glass. When I turned the other way and turned back they were adding a coke in it too .. It was better than yesterday...yesterday we went to a cany shop and each of us ordered...maple soda, vanilla soda, lemon soda, and the wierdest...chocolate soda...and it turn out that each glass of soda is huge..mine taste fine but I just finished eating a lot of food from a buffe. I everyone almost died drinking all of them because they are full..but suddenly one of the girl said who ever finish the drink will get a handsome boyfriend...guess what Sai( I am not sure i spelled it write or not if not sorry..) drink them all in about 20 the way everyone was shock by th amount of food I ate at the buffet... I have to go bye! Sorry that I don't have any funny things to tell you... But I am sure it will happen..very is getting a bit too peaceful here....

Saturday, March 23, 2013

okay! Now this is my chance to blog! Well...if you really want to know how I get the wifi.. Right now we are sitting in our car and using the town wifi. The car is not in any parking lot by the way... T.George park the car in front of a restaurant. Well it is fine for me.    now I think it is time for me to tell my parent how everything have been. I started to see how my trip is going to be since the day I arrived at the airport. The bottom part of my shoes started to fall out so my dad had to go buy a super glue. When he came back May's dad and my dad help me to fix my left shoe. Everything was fine until I started to walk and realize that the super glue leaked in my shoe and made my sock stick to my shoe. But when I try to take my shoe of ...the moment that my hand touched my shoe I then realize again that....The glue has not dried yet! So now my hand have super glue on it too... anyway the flight from Thailand to Korea was bad...very bad....I was super dizzy. I tried to sleep but it was soo hard because I don't know where to put my head on. But the trip from Korea to Chicago was amazing. The food were great and there are so many things  to do on the airplane. Now about the house that we are staying in now... It was fine but the girls bedroom are super crowded. We even have to put our leg on other people sleeping bag. But I like it :) and super good news for us... There are a lot of snow here and the weather is very cold. The first day we got here we had a snow ball fight with T.George it was T.George VS everyone. About today to my surprise I met my host family at the library! I was trying to type my blog as fast as I could and suddenly I heard a voice calling my name... The voice was so familiar. When I look for the one who is calling me...I saw a very pretty women women with a boy and a girl by her side...It was my host family! At that moment I forgot everything even the time for me to write my blog is running out. I ran to them and we hugged each other. I almost cried I really am! And then we had a dinner after that we are here...still in the car...        And here are some important things about the kids who their parent might be concerned about them. 1. Dada: she was fine. She took her medicine like her mom told her to. 2. Japan : he was fine too. I don't really know a lot but he seems to be fine but he had a little problem finding things in his bag. 3. In: she was fine but she didn't say anything much. She often go around somewhere with Dada. She had a little problem speaking and listening English but she is fine. Actually there is a girl who had the most problem even more then Japan Dada and In ... And that is me.... Last night I almost died by taking a shower in the basement. you might thought it is because the basement is cold well..that is another thing but the main problem was the water is very hot. Not just very warm but very hot. June screamed when she touched the water. When I get in I knew why she screamed. The water felt like boiling water. I look at my skin and it was red ;( and that night I have to wash my hair and when I step out of the water it was super cold app when I get in the water it was boiling. The bathroom on the second floor  has no shower so.. That is why I am there..I have to go the battery is running out! bye

The time is running out!

Hello! everyone now I am typing my blog in a library in manitowic. I am typing this on my IPad  so there might be a lot of mistake...and the time is running out! The library will close very soon. I am so sorry that I didn't write my blog for a long time because there are no Internet access at our house that we are staying. So if  I had a chance to write myblog I will. There are so many things I wanted to write on my blog.

Sunday, March 10, 2013


Hello everyone! My name is Gam. I think all of you who is reading this blog already know me....anyway I havea lot more to tell you about me:

My name is Gam I was born on 4th of July 1999 so right now I am 13 years old. Just so you know most of the time I am a quiet person especially with someone I am not close to. I can sometime look mean and cold I am trying to look a bit more friendly now so.....It's -under construction-

My hobbies are reading books and listen to music (I love music very much). I live in bangkok with my family,my maid and my pets. I am relly close to my pet so I am going to tell you a little bit about them. I have 4 dogs. The first one is a male Sha pei. seccong one is a female german sheperd the third one is a male German sheperd and the last one is a female teacup chihuahua and 2 sugar glider. I don't have any brother or sister so I am only child.

More basic information:
My favorite color is rainbow,Gold,Black,White,and.....
Favorite Animal: all kinds (I once ask my parents for a tarantula but they said no....)
My favorite food: I like to eat macaroni and cheese,salmon sashimi,som tam, tacos,chocolate and macarons.
My school: at grade 8 I am in daroonpat school but next year I won't be there anymore....I will move to ICS...

ETC. This is also about May so If you want to ask something please dont ask me....
Have anyone know anything about cosplay? Well me May Jan and Momay will cosplay as "Vocaloid" If you don't know them I am sorry you have to search it yourself because the internet here is not that good.

May: Hatsune Miku
Gam: Megurine Luka

Just a little things we want to do before I move out of this school