Saturday, March 23, 2013

okay! Now this is my chance to blog! Well...if you really want to know how I get the wifi.. Right now we are sitting in our car and using the town wifi. The car is not in any parking lot by the way... T.George park the car in front of a restaurant. Well it is fine for me.    now I think it is time for me to tell my parent how everything have been. I started to see how my trip is going to be since the day I arrived at the airport. The bottom part of my shoes started to fall out so my dad had to go buy a super glue. When he came back May's dad and my dad help me to fix my left shoe. Everything was fine until I started to walk and realize that the super glue leaked in my shoe and made my sock stick to my shoe. But when I try to take my shoe of ...the moment that my hand touched my shoe I then realize again that....The glue has not dried yet! So now my hand have super glue on it too... anyway the flight from Thailand to Korea was bad...very bad....I was super dizzy. I tried to sleep but it was soo hard because I don't know where to put my head on. But the trip from Korea to Chicago was amazing. The food were great and there are so many things  to do on the airplane. Now about the house that we are staying in now... It was fine but the girls bedroom are super crowded. We even have to put our leg on other people sleeping bag. But I like it :) and super good news for us... There are a lot of snow here and the weather is very cold. The first day we got here we had a snow ball fight with T.George it was T.George VS everyone. About today to my surprise I met my host family at the library! I was trying to type my blog as fast as I could and suddenly I heard a voice calling my name... The voice was so familiar. When I look for the one who is calling me...I saw a very pretty women women with a boy and a girl by her side...It was my host family! At that moment I forgot everything even the time for me to write my blog is running out. I ran to them and we hugged each other. I almost cried I really am! And then we had a dinner after that we are here...still in the car...        And here are some important things about the kids who their parent might be concerned about them. 1. Dada: she was fine. She took her medicine like her mom told her to. 2. Japan : he was fine too. I don't really know a lot but he seems to be fine but he had a little problem finding things in his bag. 3. In: she was fine but she didn't say anything much. She often go around somewhere with Dada. She had a little problem speaking and listening English but she is fine. Actually there is a girl who had the most problem even more then Japan Dada and In ... And that is me.... Last night I almost died by taking a shower in the basement. you might thought it is because the basement is cold well..that is another thing but the main problem was the water is very hot. Not just very warm but very hot. June screamed when she touched the water. When I get in I knew why she screamed. The water felt like boiling water. I look at my skin and it was red ;( and that night I have to wash my hair and when I step out of the water it was super cold app when I get in the water it was boiling. The bathroom on the second floor  has no shower so.. That is why I am there..I have to go the battery is running out! bye


  1. Excellent story teller as u r . . . Gam. Many many thanks for blogging as soon as u can. Ur mom and I've been waiting for any updated news. Have Emma and Dillon grown up a lot? Gam, u can actually cry if ur mind tell u to do so and I don't think there is nothing to be shame. Keep blogging na ka. Don't forget to take and post photos, too if possible and not too burden.

    BTW, did u change ur shoe?

  2. Nong GaM, you told story very nice covered detailed, reading your blog made me know somebody else too. I'm fan of your blog sure. Take care .
