Wednesday, March 27, 2013

My blog might be a litle too short today because i dont have much time.

I am writing this at the school oppostie of the house that we are staying. T.George bought us here for a while to have classes.

Yesterday: yesterday after we finished writing our blogs at the library we went to roller skate with some of the host families. It turns out tthat most of the kids who come fromo thailand dont know how to play....but i still remember how to do it. Just a little....My host family went there too. So most of the time I skate around with Emma and sometimes with May because she knows how to skate a little..

Today: Today I woke up at 5:30 alone because June and Didi were too sleepy to get up. I tried to wake them up but it didnt work...I finished brushing my teeth at about 5:50. Then I went outside to take a walk alone...The other people wake up very late today...around 7:00-8:00 am. Theyhave to wake up because we are gift wraping the present for the host families and the principals. Then around 10 am we walk to the school across our house.

1 comment:

  1. Gam, I noted from P Pat's blog that u did a good job there at the school opposite ur staying place. I'm soooo proud of u ka. I always know that u are going to be a good and great adult in the near future. I clearly notice improvement of ur self-confidence, responsibility and maturity. Thanks God for having u as our child.
