Sunday, March 24, 2013

Yesterday and today

Hello! here I am again at the library.... Last night T.George take us go bowling and he also invited all of the host families too. so I got a chance to meet my host family again. Emma Dillon and Mrs.Miller  tried to surprise Mr.Miller about meeting me and I think they made it. Mr.Miller didn't know anything until he see me. My score on the bowling game? Emma and Dillon both did better than me! 555 and I am not surprised at all. The only worse part about last night is this: T.George said we have to go now so everyone put on their jacket, change their shoes and etc. I said goodbye to my host family. I know we will meet again soon but the thing is after 15 min that he said we have to leave he is still talking to the host family....15 min is still okay for me but 20 min past by....30 min past by... An hour past by...It seems that this is taking forever! At first I heard they talk about hosting etc. but 30 min after that I didn't even know what am I doing... I tried my best to stay awake but it didn't work so I decided to walk to the table where June and Didi was sitting and sleep right there for a moment...the the moment I put my head on the table I heard a call...Lets go! So that is what happened last night... And about today... I woke up at 6 am with Didi and June and get ready to go out. We finished every thing at about 8 am and then we went out. The weather was even colder than yesterday ... That is what most people said but like most of the time I didn't really fell it ... Most of the people said that I don't really feel hot or cold...well I am a little..just a little. So after we had our breakfast and free time we went to the church. While we walk back the the house it was snowing! So good news for me again ;) after that we had a lunch at Taco Bell. The food we eat is normal. Me June and Didi ordered a set that comes with nacho taco, burrito and a normal taco. But the drink might be a little wired... I don't know who idea was it but at least we were able to eat it..I was suggesting Mountain Dew and Mountain Dew zero. Well June mixed both of them into our glass. When I turned the other way and turned back they were adding a coke in it too .. It was better than yesterday...yesterday we went to a cany shop and each of us ordered...maple soda, vanilla soda, lemon soda, and the wierdest...chocolate soda...and it turn out that each glass of soda is huge..mine taste fine but I just finished eating a lot of food from a buffe. I everyone almost died drinking all of them because they are full..but suddenly one of the girl said who ever finish the drink will get a handsome boyfriend...guess what Sai( I am not sure i spelled it write or not if not sorry..) drink them all in about 20 the way everyone was shock by th amount of food I ate at the buffet... I have to go bye! Sorry that I don't have any funny things to tell you... But I am sure it will happen..very is getting a bit too peaceful here....


  1. I wish i could be there to try so many kinds of soda drink; vanilla soda looks interesting for me coz(my favorite smell is vanilla).EnJoy EatinG.

  2. We do really prefer the worst part. It was soooo funny for us, but may not for u. We truly enjoy reading ur blog ka. Will tell T George 555+
