Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Cute alpaca and tasty cheese :D

Yesterday: that evening after i finished writing my blog we went to see the movie at a theater.
We watched the movie named the Croods. I don't understand why every time I come here I will had a chance so see  the movie that I haven't seen it on thailand but when I got back there my parent had already bought that movie .like the last time it was tangled. But this time I told you that I had already watched this movie. It was good by the way. That is all I could remember .

Today I woke up at 5:20 am...at first I set my alarm clock at 5:30 but I accidently woke up at 5:20 am so I decided to get up and get ready to travel. After brushing my teeth and change my cloth I went outside with June and Didi. Today we have to leave the house at 9 am because we have to go to the cheese factory. Me may and June had been there once or twice already but most of the things I remember is how good the cheese taste :) we tried so many type and flavor of cheese there. After that we had lunch at Chinese buffet in new Holstein. Then we had a chance to go to a farm like the last time.   
There are a lot of cows there. I don't know if it was my own imagination but I felt that cows here looks bigger from the one one i see at thailand. We even had a chance to see the alpaca! Actually I knew this animal before....but I never really see it. It is soooo sooooo fluffy and cute! I wish I could have them as a pet. But one thing i heard that you have to be aware or is they might spit at you....T.George then took us to a shop where they sell mama m 150 and other stuff that look familiar from the one I see in thailand. There is something very funny when we went there. It wasn't about me though. Pokpong bought a blue little ball and he threw That little blue thing on the ground and expect it to bounce back into his hand but the moment the ball hit the ground it broke into many pieces...I hope ypu all get it...that thing was actually a gum ball not a ball...I saw all of this happen right in front of me and I just can't stop laughing! Sorry Pokpong!

Message to my parents: mommy I got an alpaca yarn and when I get back home could you teach me how to knit it? Or let my aunt teach me? Because whenever I start it I never really finish it but this time I will!!!!


  1. Hi Cheese Lover Gang, all your guys love CHEESE. Your guys woke up so early, the sun rise is beautiful?.

  2. I'll surely teach you to do knitting ka. However, I'm not certain if the yarn you've got is long enough for a sweater. If not, we might end up with only a scarf na ka.
