Friday, March 29, 2013

Heavy heavy snowman

Hello everyone! Sorry that I didn't write anything yesterday. Well my host family came to pick me up a little late but I was very happy to see them. We stayed at the house a little longer before we walk to the car. I thought that I haven't had any funny experiences this time but I changed my mind when my head accidentally hit the calling of my host family car....but this trip most of the stuff didn't happen to me....May did...have anyone watch the Harlem shake that we made in the snow? Well....the best shot of it is when Pokpong destroy the snowman and it accidently fall on may's body! And she got stuck there until most of us went to help her. It use about 6-7 people to do that! The snowman was super heavy and I knew it was because when we were making the snowman...we storied so many ways to lift the second part of the snowman up but no matter how many people we use it didn't work so I came up with an I dea..I laid down and let them roll the giant snow ball on me then I will try to Stan up then once it off the ground it will be easier to lift and it works the send time! The first time when we were trying to lift it it was sooo heavy that they accidently drop it on my belly and I almost died! I can't even breathe so I knew how you feel may...

When we reach home I gave my host family my present and they also had a present for me too! :) they showed me a basket full of nail polishes, crafts , and sketch book. Thank you very much :D so I try them today. I just found out that I could draw flowers, butterfly and etc. on the nails by my self! Just like in the Solon or nails shop can do but I didn't make them as pretty as they can. But that is fine for me and I will post all the pictures I have when I know how to...but I have them don't worry! And my parents...I sent you an email please answer them as soon as possible...I sent them since yesterday by the way I think I wont be skyping a lot this year.

I think that is all I can write for today it might be a little too short but I will make the next ones longer. If I could.


  1. We saw ur Halem Check. T George posted it on FB. It's really funny. I also commented on FB that this style of Halem Shake (hurting one people in the group at the end of the show) could be a meme which other people might follow when they do their Halem Shake in the future 555+.

    BTW, U haven't answer me if your siblings have physically and mentally grown up a lot. Don't forget to post some photos na ka.

  2. I did reply your email na ka. You can check it out. Your dad don't check his mail box frequently. Sorry for a late reply ka.
