Monday, March 25, 2013

I am soo lucky :)

Now I am here again at the library in manitowic. I have a good news for...for myself....yesterday we went to Mr.Lucky for dinner. The food taste fine for me. Me May, Gene and , Pokpong ordered BBQ rib to share together. The real reason we wanted to try it is because Gene is trying to find the most expensive food in the menu....and he found the BBQ rib. There is something more expensive in the menu but we are interested in this one so we ordered it. It turns out that the rib were very large and everyone was like Wow! So cheap! Bla bla bla....until we tried was tasty but the point is..there were about 40% meat and 60% rib...well at least there is something to eat. But what I like about last night is....can anyone remember my blog for the past years that I wrote about me and jan tried to play a game in Mr.lucky restaurant....the one about the doll. I don't know what exactly does it called but the one that you have to pick it up by moving the control stick and a button that will pick the doll up. last time I played this with Jan I got nothing..but I also paid 10 $ for trying....that make me think that why shouldn't I just buy the doll from Walmart? Well this time I have return for a revenge...I paid about 6$ and...I got 2 rabbit dolls! It is very cute! gene also got one for 2 dollars....I don't know why Gene is always always always so lucky....and that really really annoyed me! I remember that at my school back in Thailand the teacher gave the students a multiple choice turns out that no one can do it except Gene...he got about 9 out of 10 points. When everybody ask him why he said he guess. And it is true...I know it was true because he was sitting next to me! I saw him read the first question and he can't answer it so he move on..and on...he can't do anything but when the teacher said it is time to collect the work. I saw him chicle the answer without even looking or reading! But June... I don't know if it because she stays with me too much or what but it seems that we are usually in the same situation....            

Today I woke up at 5:30 am because a heard someone is walking or maybe stomping around the house. Well...I later find out that it was Japan running very I had a macaroni and cheese for breakfast and went out to see the sunrise with June and Didi. Today we were free so T.George held a snowman or snow house building contest....but the snow won't packed together  no matter what way we no one win...after that we went to Mrs. And Mr. Carroll's  house. I already gave my present to them. And Mrs.Carrol gave us a cat doll. I had the brown so now I have 5 dolls...the other two I brought them from thailand. I know I love dolls I don't care that I am now 13years old. :P after that we are here again at the library....

I don't know how to post the photos to if I had a better chance to try I will maybe at my host family house. For today goodbye everyone.

Etc. for today:
Yesterday June lost her address card. So we decided we should try to find today. Yesterday she check in her suitcase and find nothing so I ask her to help her check mine too because I can't remember where I put mine either... She said she found mine but she can't find hers. So today we went to check at the basement and found an address card. June was soooo happy. But when she picked it up and read turn out that that one is did she really check it for me -  - ? Anyway she found it her bag...she probably put in in there for purpose and then forget about it.

This paragraph I just wanted to ask everyone what is worse...1. Carrying a frying pan on the airplane for the whole flight...2. About my shoes on the previous blog...this is it for today Goodbye!


  1. Nong GaM, I vote for #2; your sock and shoe sticked with super glue. It made me laught when think about that, remember your scene shot by shot (ha ha). Actually carried frying pan looked really funny too. When we think something in the past that can make us smile, that 's gOOd, right? It fill up a day. ThanK a lot to make me smile. :)

  2. Gam ka, u actually can post ur pictures on FB . . . Right? It's gonna be a lot easier there.

  3. Forgot to tell u previously that I prefer the glue story to the frying pan (same as what aunt Soda chose). Especially, I myself participated in the glue story 555.

  4. Nong Gam, it's very sweet of you to give your medicine to Didi. Thank you very much for your kindness ka.

  5. Gam, I 'm giving this comment on behalf of your mom Na ka. Her iPad couldn't be used for insertion of comment and we don't know why. She tried many times but it didn't work. Your mom asked me to tell you that both I and aunt Soda did't reply your question correctly since you didn't ask which one of the story is more preferable.

  6. She said what you asked was which one is worse. So, she think the frying pan is worse than the shoes story and if she were you, she wouldn't be able to carry the frying pan in her backpack for the whole trip 555.

    We both always miss you ka.
