Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!!!

I am sos sorry that I didnt write anything yesterday because I was busy playing chess with my host dad....I lost him twice....but it was soooo close...all he could do at that time was trying to avoid his king to get killed by my queen and sudenly I lost...well it is hard to explain the whole thing....but hope you get the Idea.

Yesterday:    Nothing happened much yesterday.... Me my host mom Emma and Dillon went to walmart and Khole to find Emma's new shoes for Easter and to find the furbies...Furby is very popular in thailand ( I dont know why) and they are very expensive there...about 3000-4000 bath....about 100-133$ and I heard that in america it is only 50$ so many people who wanted a furby ask me to buy it for them (they will pay then later) and that is all we do yesterday.

Today:    Today is Easter!!!! we wake up at about 8 o clock then me Dillin and Emma had an Easter eggs hunt at our house! For this time I recieved tattoos, candies, and etc. from the easter bunny :)
After that we went to the church. Then we went to My host mom's cousin's house and everyone had an Easter egg hunt even the adults! There was an Golden egg that has 20$bill in it!! you dont need to get so excited because I didnt find it...onther people did. For the seccnd Easter egg hunt I recieved lip glosses, candies, neckalce, and...other I cant remember....It was a very fun thing to do!

ETC. well....many people already knew (actually most peple do..)that Jinny, Bankpun, Sai and May likes to talk about boys.well that isnt a weird for a teenage girl...but this will sure sound weird...Onw day T.George took us to the candy shop ( that we tried the chocolate soda ) Me June Didi and Dada are sitting together and suddenly after we ordered our soda June suddenly said "Hey that waitress looks very cute!" I didnt get a chance to see her face I was busy looking at the menu. I know this is normal but how about the next thing I did?? but then I really wanted to see her soooo....I said " I cant see her face! that is not fair!!....I have a plan I will pretend to walk around the shop (pretend that I was looking at the chocolate) and when I walk past her I will get a chance to see her face!" I know... it sound  like I am a boy that is trying to flirt her....So I did what I said...and it is true she is cute! :)   all I can remember is she has big eyes, Golden hair and she is thin...wait one last thing...She is cute <3 555555="" :3="" a="" about="" agrees="" all....hehhehehe.....oh="" american="" an="" and.....does="" and....i="" and="" anerican="" anyone="" are="" asian="" at="" be="""" bigeyes="" cute="" dear="" didnt="" do="" dont="" example="" explained="" eyes="" flirt="" from="" get="" girl="" has="" her="" i="" if="" is="" it="" just="" know.="" know="" me="" might="" my="" nbsp="" need="" not="" ok="" p="" panic="" paragraph="" parent:="""" people="" reading="" really="" same="" serious="" she="" shop="" small="" smiled="" thai="" that="" thats="" the="" they="" thing="" think="" this="" to="" too="" true="" wanted="" well="" what="" who="" with="" you="">



  1. Here= you= come :) , You've let your fan club waiting to read your blog(555).Do you find any Furby yet? I asked June also, she didn't reply me=that = NO=, (i guess).H=A_P+P*Y t=o R/e+A-D y=O^u&R BlOg.

  2. What were you guys (including Soda) doing? I don't understand at all for the texts and languages you used. Am I too old for this? Gam, I wonder if you got Furbies

  3. I didnt write that!!!!!!!!
    why does it appeared like that!!!!!!!!1

  4. It said data blogger escaped!!

  5. anyway I was trying to ask that american people and asian people...Do they think the same thing about beauty Ex: Asian might like a girl who has bigeyes and american might like a girl with small eyes ( just example I know this is not true ) The girl has....Golden hair, bigeyes and she is last thing...she is pretty <3 So do you think the girl I am talking about.....Do you think she is pretty??? from what I explained....

  6. Actually, I think it depends on a lot more factors not only big/small eyes, black/blonde hair

  7. U've got to show me her picture

  8. I think I will ask someone to take me to that place again with my ipad fixed.....Now I gonna be a paparazzi :)

  9. Looking forward to seeing her photo then . . . My paparazzi :)
