Tuesday, April 2, 2013

yesterday and Today + my bad Luck

Hello everyone!!! sorry that I didnt write my blog yesterday..... well today I will tell you what happened both yesterday and today :)

Yesterday:  Yesterday I just realized that my host family house turned into a daycare!! I never knew that before.....there were so many kids yesterday....My host mom opened a daycare for about a year I think....so all I did mostly was watch a move, play chess and play outside. We watched a movie named "Spy Kids" and I played chess with dillon....I won  :) 

Today:   Today is another daycare day! So like yesterday all I did is play chess, watch TV aand had a nap......but.....another very important thing happened....I invited my friends at school to rollr skate with me! :) Their names are : Paige and Alexis another thing happened....My host mom decided to not tell me that T.George invited all the Thai kids to roller skate!!! And It was akso In's birthday!! so
                                  ******    <3 birthday="" in="" nbsp="" p="">
Wish you have a very nice trip and time with your host family !!  :)  ......So my host mom surprised me tonight and I am very sad that she cant go roller skate with all of us because she got sick....very sick...I hop she will get well as soon as possible... I Love You My (host) Mom  <3 am="" and="" at="" backword.="" better="" blades="" easy="" emma="" even="" everyone="" feel="" getting="" how="" i="" is="" it="" just="" like="" more="" nbsp="" p="" plus="" race="" realized="" roller="" skate...some="" skate="" skating="" than="" that="" the="" to="" turn="" with="" won="">The other thing I did today...well I had a nice long nap...about two hours...and I played chess with Emma and I beat her...well it was very funny...I thought that if she see that I was trying to kill her king by my bishop in 2 turns she would have moved her king or tying to do something...I am sure that she wont miss that next time!!! So that is the 4th time I played chess....

My bad luck: When I came back home from roller skating I almost didt have a chance to write my blog..because my computer is broken...OKAY let's get this clear!! before I even came here my booths is broken.When I am at Korea My pen is broken. When I came here My Ipad screen is broken and now today....My computer almost break....I was lucky that My host dad was able to fix it....All of that didnt include : I almost lost my wallet, Right now I lost my mirror, and right now I am using my shampoo as a soap!!!! I cant find my soap  ;( next time I go to walmart I promise my self I will buy a soap for sure!!! and some other stuff....Oh yeah there is another thing...I forgot to mention that when we stay with T.George...I cant find my toothbrush but I was lucky that we can go to walmart that day so I bought a toothbrush but when I got home...I cant find my new toothbrush...Dont panic! Okay?? I did brush my teeth that night...and still dont panic!!! I didnt borrow my friend's toothbrush....well it turned out that I found my old one instead  :( and a day later I found my new toothbrush...... And my blog is having a weird problem....So I didnt make that weird writing.... It said data blogger escaped and then the words I typed in....So it is the 9th bad luck...

IMPORTANT: Dada is sick....she has a sore throat that's all I know....I have to thank her host family very much that took a very good care of her and  is very kind to her....And I have to also thank Gene's host family for hosting him even many bad things happened...I hope Gene isnt your 3th bad luck though.....And Thank you My host family for making this surprise  :D 

That is all for today!!! I think I will go to bed now!!! Goodnight everyone!!


  1. I've got 3 issues after reading your blog . . . Gam.

    Firstly, you should somehow take care of your host mom; for instance, asking her if you can be of any help.

    Secondly, I don't believe you told us all the things you did on your yesterday and today while your house became daycare center. You didn't play games on your notebook PC or iPad?

    Thirdly, your weird languages happened again in this blog 555.

  2. Haha, first I think the aliens language came from your design, now I know. Good things will come after time past. June got Furby now. I saw from her post.

  3. I don't think Gam has bad lucks. She's just clumsy.

  4. Gam is the only one who forgot something at the New Holstein house. I think she is becoming a forgetful girl. Hahah!

    1. Many thanks T. George for arranging an event for In's birthday. She seems really having good time in this trip.

  5. true :( I still remember one time I forgot to eat lunch...or its dinner?? I forgot...

  6. We prepared a list of stuff that In takes to WI. However, if she forgets something behind, it is still OK. It can happen to anyone. Hope Gam enjoys your host' daycare business.
