Friday, April 1, 2011

Hello I am Gam Ntada Suvanprakorn. I am writting my blog form our home in the Girls room. TODAY: Today i woke up at six thirty on the moring with June. we went to brush our teeth. when we came back we saw that may and Jane are awake. may told me that when we came out June Trip and almost fall over. That made an earthquake 555+ -3-''' . The snow were still here but less than yesterday -o- . T.George came in to the room and said that " it will have a snowstorm today and the temperater will be -30" but.... got him! he did an april fool to us and everybody believe him!!!! At the morning T.George ask us to wrap presents for the principal and our host familys. I have to wrap 4 sea and james because we r in the same school and they are not here....i draw Thai flag and elelaphant on it. and 4 the host family i use ...... it is a surprise ( if T. George didnt told them already). when i finished wrapping the paper and ate the dinner i went for a walk with June like always :) . then we have the snowball fight again -_-'''' . I dont have much story today because we are home and .....Today May Mung Oun went to their host family house. Now ....Just me Jan and June... :'( we ate the lazanya ( is it spell like this??) 4 dinner ...... I am afaiad that if i dont write up t20 lines i wont get what i want...T_T but there is nothing to write about!!! that is not fair because each day is not the same some day we gone out and some we dont!! :( and i just have fifteen.( i dont do number because i try to make it long *-*) what should i write?? oh yes some message to my mom..... message to my mother: can u on skype tomorrow on 7 am at my time please?? (seven to eight o'clock) please comment to answer or on facebook or MSN i need to talk to u about many things!

1 comment:

  1. Gam ka, we'll turn on Skype around 7 - 8 a.m. Saturday your time for talking ka. You're gonna meet your host mom & dad including your sister and brother in the afternoon too right? Are you excited?

    See you over Skype.
