Sunday, April 28, 2013

Hey!!! Everyone I am back! With some goodnews. I am all better from the cold. Last night was terrible. I woke up at 11 and can't get back to sleep. I went to my mom"s room for help but she said she can't give me anymore medicine. Plus Yesterday evening I had a I tried to get back to sleep but it didn't work. So I went to ask mom that can I sleep in the spare bed room because Emma also has a cold. She cough a lot....but mine is soar throat and feel kind of like having a fever. The strange thing is me and Emma had the cold on the same day same time. Yesterday morning....even I moved in the spare bed room trying to sleep....three hours past I still can't get back to sleep. So I decided to move back. I went to the bathroom and had some hot water then went back to sleep and it worked! But that was like already two or three am already. I had about four or five hour of sleep. The next thing I know is that I woke up at 6:30. I still feel sick...very sick..but after an hour I suddenly feel better....I don't know what is the reason but at least I probably able to survive with know that my body is a little strange. When I am sick I like to stay in warm place but I have to touch something that is cold. It makes me feel better somehow....this is some stories when I got sick in thailand:

I can't remember my age when I got that cold. I don't really know what it's called in English. This disease come from a mosquito bite. It's not malaria though. This disease make make you have a fever for 2-3 days. It usually cause you to bleed from your gum, your nose etc. well...I had that. Usually it take like a week to get better but I got better like in three days. Well....all I did was play my games until midnight....and didn't even bother to call and ask my friend about homeworks but I did it later. The other thing I got is the h1n1 I think. And I recover very soon too....for me a way to get better is to   Do the things you like so you don't just think about your flu.  I need to go bye!!

1 comment:

  1. What you got infected last 6 years ago before you went to America first time with us was the so called "dengue fever" ka. Gam . . . You've got to carry the pills with you to Chicago na ka.
