Friday, April 5, 2013

Today and the cats :3

Hello! right now I am writing this blog with Emma :) She is standing by my side right now...

Today: Today I woke up at about 9:15....actually that is a little late...and because my Ipad is broken I cant set my alarm clock...anyway Dillon woke me up and after I took a shower, wash my hair ,and brush my teeth. Today the daycare was still open but today is the last day for this week. I went down stairs and realized that Dillon's friend was already here. So I ate my breakfast with Emma...And the banana cake that my host mom made taste sooooo good! I dont really like them usually but when I tried what my host mom made everything that I use to think about the cake changed :) I watched a show named "Full house" with Emma. Actually I watched it almost all day today. When I was cleaning my nails before dinner I think about going outside the house but my host dad came back from work and the first thing he said is "It is very cold outside today" So my plan was destroyed :(  After that we had dinner with Noah (Dillon's friend), my host mom, my host dad, Dillon, Emma , and me. We had lazanya for dinner and again my host mom's cooking is very good :D  right after that me and Emma went upstairs to practise summersults on our bed. I did a back flip on by bed once....Emma is really good at these things :)  while we were practicing a very weird thing happened.....Ethal apeard to be sitting on my bed...that is relly wierd because Emma and I had been there for a very long time and we havent seen her anywhere plus the door was closed....So we think she must be hiding under our beds...

Special: The cats ( Sophie and Ethal ) :3

This trip I see that Sophie and Ethal start to get use to people and they have their owner...Emma and my host dad is Ethal's owner and Sophie is owned by my host mom and Dillon. The cats are sisters. My host family got them from my host mom's friend. Sophie is a little bigger than Ethal. their colors are about the same. Both of them have a black mixed with brown but Ethal has more white on her nack and her paws. Ethal also has white on the tip of her tail. Ethal has yellowish greenish eyes. Sophie has kind of brownish eyes.

1 comment:

  1. Next time u can ask Emma to write something. Be careful that ur summersault wouldn't break ur host mom bed 555+ Gam u can ask ur host dad how to post picture here na ka.
