Monday, April 8, 2013

My school and the past of my fishes...

Today is the seccond day I went to school....I dont want to make my blog that long today so I had a PE class and just so you know I am not good at any sports that uses balls..such as basket ball: I got hit right on my head a lot of times, Soccer: I dont even know where is the soccer ball, Table tennis: For me this sports is very tiring because I always have to run and catches the ball even more times that I hit them.....I am better at swimming and running...Anyway the good news is tomorrow I will have an art class so I think I will be justttt fineeee  <3 a="" after="" and="" before="" bit="" brush="" buy="" conditioner="" could="" for="" get="" got="" hair.="" hair="" here="" i="" into="""" is="" just="" learned="" little="" lowe="" mix="" nbsp="" need...that="" need="" of="" or="" p="" s="" school="" shampoo...oh="" some="" spray="" static="" store.="" stuff="" technique="" that="" the="" them="" to="" walmart="" waterwith="" we="" went="" you="" your="">
When we were eating dinner me and my host family talked about fishes. They use to had a gold fish but it got pretty big so they had to release it in the pond. This thing seriously remind me of my dad's fishes.....At my house we used to have a big fish tank with like 20 fishes. One day my dad need to clean the tank and change the water. At my house after we finished with any kind of bottles we will put water in it so recycle I guess......He poured a bottle of sprite which is filled with water and the next day the fishes all died....Yeah....He poured sprite in the tank.....


  1. Gam, u r embarrassing me 555. That's true, though.

    1. P Goy, this was very very funny Hahaha,you poured sprite in fish tank, this story should not forget Haha.

    2. Come on, P Prang placed an expired Sprite (1 liter) bottle on the same table as that of other 1 liter drinking water bottles. So, I wasn't aware that it was Sprite not fresh water.

    3. Is that an excusable ka . . . Soda?
