Friday, April 19, 2013

Sorry that I didn't write my blog yesterday. I was very busy helping my family move. So today I went roller skate with June. Oh and we went to watch a play at Lutheran high. It's a out the music man.
I don't want to make this blog too long but I really wanted to tell you about me momay and may....our
Cooking skill.....

We got an ASEAN project about cooking Cambodia food. So we choose the coffee cake. We make an appoint ment that may and momay will come to my house and cook the food together. While we were mixing the I ingredients together everything went fine. May and momay make me do most of the stuff because they trust me to read the recipe which is in English. Well....they are right I read everything  correctly but the problem that ruined everything up is not my English skill but my cooking skill. I put everything correct in order but the amount....I don't know anything about a cup or 1/2 cup so I thought that the 1/4 cup is the whole cup......and the moment I realized is when it's ready to be in the the three of us put more of everything in randomly....we didn't even think....because that is all we could do. The result? Well when everyone tried it at least no one knew the big mistakes. Actually I had to cut the cake(that doesn't look like a cake at all)up in to many many small Pieces so no one could notice that the cake was simply flat just like a flat wheel because of the mistake that we made about the amount of the ingredients.....

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