Sunday, April 14, 2013


Hello Sorry for not writing my blog for 2 days.

I dont want to write a long blog sooo..

All our plans for today is to see the new house. So I get to wake up at 10 o'clock. Today I had pancakes and yogurt as my breackfast and thats all about today.

Yesterday: Yesterday it was P' Patty and T.George 's wedding  :)  We had to get up at 6 30 or 7 in the morning and go do our hair. My hair took a very very long time to do....The problem is not having enough hair but having too much took almost 2 hours to get it my hair is very very straight hair so its very hard to curl them. By the way P' Patty looks soooo pretty even she didnt have her make up on and she havent wear the weddning dress!! :D 

Yesterday I know I should say this but I didnt beceause...I dont really like the feeling when everyone is starring at me...Like when I got on the stage something like that....So yesterday I decided to say just congratulation P' Patty and T.George! :) Well...I should have said something better somethong like this:

T.George you have been my teacher for a very long time. I knew that many of times that you got angry at your students.... I also heard that you had many problems. Bit lately you had changed and I guess that is because P' Patty. Everything in your life start getting better and better. So P'Patty is full filling your life :) I have to thank you P'Patty for helping T.George. If you are not here this trip would be very hard....on the students...It would have been like last time I came 555 it was great actually acept May June Jan and I was scolded because we got locked outside our room...even I have a reasonable reanson :(  So congratulation P' Patty and T.George! :D

Last night me Didi and June danced at the party555555555 You have to see didi and me do the Gangnum style... I guess I wont tell you about it you will have a chance to watch it somewhere soon....


  1. I hate people staring at me too...that is why I didn't speak either 555! It is hard enough to walk down the isle with everyone staring...I can't speak!! I know your exact feeling! :D

  2. Very nice blog Gam. You are such a beautiful and polite young lady. We just have to get you to smile a little more 5555.

  3. Gam, I am very proud of how you handled yourself at the wedding...with grace and poise. You are an amazing and caring young lady...even more when you smile!!! You light up a room:) We are happy you are part of our lives.

  4. Your smile could influence a number of people. You know that, don't you?
