Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Today and the......

HEY!!!! Today is Tuesday...

Today: I woke uo at 6:30 am like normal day of school. I ate my breackfast and went to school....I fprgot to mention that.....

Yesterday: Before I wen to school I need to go brush my teeth so I went to downstairs bathroom. While I was walking I walked past the toy room and suddenly I heard my host mom voice:  "Do you know where is Dillon?" I automaticly look around and found a boy sitting on a chair in the toy room without the lights and the TV is also turn off. At that time I also see that there is someone on the bathroom so that must be my host dad I thought. Suddenly Emma ran to me and answer her mom at the same time Emma : " is in the bathroom " I started to get confused.....and I was even shocked when Dillon walked out of the bathroom and said: "Hi Gam" I was stunned and when I looked in the toy room and I still saw a boy sitting there!!!! Then I heard my host dad's voice talking to my host mom!!! And the boy was still there!!! At that moment I was stunned seriously...I whisperred to Emman and ask her..: "So who is that then?" She said so me without any suprises : "Oh! that is Isaac he will come to school with us everyday" So there is a boy dropped off here and I havent notices this at all......That almost give me a heart attack!!!!!!!!

Today I went to school and like always...I had a nice day at school though :) When I went back home I wen to the pond with Emma Dillon and host dad.....

And today I am spying on a girl..but this time....she is a brown hair girl with graceful figure and beautiful eyes and a small white tail...its a girl deer  <3 .....555555555="" p="">