Sunday, June 12, 2011

Hello! I am still going to tell you about me at school. at my school now I am in grade 7 (G.7). this time i will compairing story from last year and this year. now my classroom was on third floor in my school. it was very tired to walk up and down everyday. last year it was only on seccond floor but if i tell u this story i believe that it will be better to have class room at the third floor than this happening to you. at my school we have daily report. it is for the teacher that teach us on that day to sign it. and that week it was me who have to make sure that every teacher on that they sign it. and that was my very unlucky day. i have to tell u this first so u can enjoy or fell sad for me T^T. i am on the seccond floor in my classroom with my friend. she is the one who told me that i forgot to tell T.sue to sign it ( T.sue is one of my teacher). then she go to art room to study with T.sue. but i have to do this by my self ( i am loyal but if teacher know it i must get in trouble). so she walk to third floor ( the art room was on the third floor). when she go i didnt say anything until i realize my bag was super heavy that day! I am thinking that i have to walk from my class to tye art room it is about 60 meters!!! and plus i have to go up the stairs =[]="" . so...i have to walk from that room to the art room. when i walk up the stiars i think my back going to broke! that bag is toooooo heavy to explain! and..Finally i did it! yes! iam standing infront of the art room door! let's do this! so i open the door and i saw may nath( nath is the freind that told me i forgot to get T.sue sign it) my other freinds and T.sue. i walk to teacher sue proudly and...i ask nath "nath can i have the daily report?" then she said something that almost make me scream or cry.."what?...i put it on your desk in G.6 classroom!" "TT[]TT !@##$%^^&*()_)(*^" things that i said that time might not even be a word!!!!! so i have to walk back to get it then let T.sue sign it AND THEN have to walk down to give it to the room that i have to give it to!!! NOW i will talk about this year. not very long ago on friday i went to swimming with june. that day i am the person who have to hold the daily report. that day was very lonely and first not many people know this. that day i have many bags and they all heavy so i dont have a hand to hold that daily report then i put it in one of my bag that it can take out easiest. I saw that my mom already there and iam sooo happy and exited to go swimming with june! i throw the bag in my car and jump right in it. before we go to the swimming pool we have to go to oaky's house and that time when i get down then my mom told me that i took the daily report back home!!!!! NOW THIS WILL BE A VERY GOOD THINGS COMPAIRING THIS YEAR AND LAST YEAR!!!!!! last year my class was very famous about....CAUSING PROMBLEMS!!!! start with...i know that i told you this story once but i will tell u more details on this home room teacher last year is king...Oops! i mean kind off weird. when he talk to the students he will put his hand on the student desk's that he are talking to. everybody think it was annoying but no one do anything until one of my friend....(the one who make T.chris this year homeroom teacher step on the bug) he put TOA glue on his table the area the teacher might touch it. i didnt see him doing that until...Nick : T.Thomas come here please!! T.Thomas: what? then he walk to nick's desk and do things he always do....the trap worked!!!!! he put his hand on that perfectly spot that my friend put his glue on !!!!! there was more things i can tell you more things but now my mom is calling me!!! i have to go see u next time!!!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Hello everybody! iam back with some funny stories and some story about my dogs : ) I just want to talk about what i have done today. Today i woke up late because there is no school ( or maybe last night i played facebook for too long :P ) well today i went to paradise park ( mall in thailand) the only reason i went there is too go to loft store! i need acsessory for my ipod nano. but of couse for me when i have to go i dont want to go but when i was there..i got something more than that. i got very beautiful earphone. I love it very much <3 <3 <3 !!! i think it is sony and on the box it write made with sawarovski zirconia <3 it is pink gold color ahhhh!!! i love it!!! okok i start getting too crazy...( i know that i am always crazy but this time it a little too บ้า (ba)! i said it mean crazy) after that my parrent tale e to eat sizler ( i am not sure about the spelling) and continue to the loft store. NOW i will tell you about my school. i think this situation was on friday thailand every morning we have to do the asembly ( sing national anthem, listen to the teacher says and more..) we do this outside and with every class. there are about 300 student there. we have to stand while all of this stuff happen but that was ok because it takes only about 15 min. and DO YOU BELIEVE THAT EVEN IN ONLY 15 MIN THERE WAS A VERY FUNNY THINGS HAPPEN!!!! it start with one of my friend that his acting is kind off silly = =. we were on the G.7 lines. There was girls line and boys line. the frist girl was jan then may then another student name momay then me and the other does not matter to this story. that boy ( there was only one boy in this story.) was in front of momay. there was a bug in front of my line and that mean it on the back of the boys line. we were acting normal but that boy saw it and turn around . he is umm funny but in silly way . he turn around and try to step it!! I DONT WANT IT TOO DIE!! frist may say stop. of course he didnt listen. then momay say it ... same result....then it's my turn! nothing happen. so he didnt listen to the teachers. we try to stop him i say cant i look at T.christopher ( he is our hoomroom teacher) and look at nick as i want to say please stop him. he walk to nick i thought he going to stop him but!!!! thats not what he is doing!! he put his foot up and STEP ON THE BUG!!!! i heard a CRACK sound when he did it! = [] ="""""".we were standing there looking at the situation... then i look at the ground the place T.christopher step on the bug. there was no blood or the body of the bug so.. it must stuck on my homeroom teacher's shoes..... T^T bye bye have a good new life little bug! it died ... ToT everyone who read this please comment!!!!!!! ( i will be very happy if u comment about my funny or maybe sad story)

Monday, May 16, 2011

I am here again! lasst time i 4 got to tell u something :P now it is about the trip back to bangkok thailand. We were having problem with our bag. its too heavy so we have to move some stuff aroud... and when T.George was not looking i know that my carry on bag is super heavy. then i weight it and that was shocking cause it weight is 25 lbs. before it was heavier than that plus that time i have to carry the chicago bag that i share with june. that time before i went to chicago i have to purse on my left shoulder,chicago bag on my right shoulder, on my back i have my backpack in my back pack i have very heavy things such as my computer,5 books some clothes and more. my left hand have my clothes suitcase and my right hand have my gift suitcase. It was super heavy!!! when i walk out the door i have to walk backwords in front of. June walk out before me and we hit each other!! Ok i will continue my story about the travel...from america to japan it takes 11 hours on an airplane. but i was lucky cause i get ti sit with june jan and may. when we get on the plane we play something very strange. we took of our shoes and smell let see who have the most smell bad foot! everything was good until we found that the people infront of me is kind of weird. she said to me stop kicking her seat. but i didnt to anything. then i ask my to change seat with me. when may sit she like to take her shoes off and take er feet on her OWN seat. bu that peopple still said stop kicking her seat!! so may said in thai to us how can i kick her seat if my feet is here she saw ghost or what? why she keep truning here? XP when we change the plane at japan we have to run as fast as we can...when we was on the plane i get ti sit with P'Net P'beam and Jan. P'Net have to help me take the bag up to the things that keep the bag up there ( i dont know what its called ) then the air hostess she is thai but i have to write in english cause u wont understand what it mean. she said be care full dont let it fall on passenger's head .....555 and it was the 25 lbs. bag that i am talking about if it falls on your head I am very sure u going to have a broken neck! skip to when i went home.. when i go to america i never cry but i went home i did u want to know why? well i have to take a shower before i go to sleep at home and i was playing with my soap. i hold the soap and hit it to the wall. then the water from the soap split in to my eyeball!! @#$%^&* i dint really cried but the tears come out.... :'( OK and not today I am going to watch the movie "hop" at the cinema with my parents and tomorrow I have to go to school now i will be in grade 7!! and i am still 11 years old > < bye!! every one who read this please comment!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Hello! everyone long time no see! i am here cause i still have few joke that i did't tell U! now we have to go backwards. when i was in chicago.....that day T.George took us to go shopping.(that is not the funny part) i bought some stuff that i need. we went to apple store. i bought some itune cards to share with my friends.the next day. at night me may jan and june were chating. suddenly we smelled something was burning!!! that must me the hotel!! we all think the same!! then i say let go see in the hallway!! oh i 4 got to tell u that before that T.George and P'nuchee help us pack our bags.( u need to know this because it is the part of that funny things) and now they were at another room helping other kids pack there bags. let's continue...we ran out and we found nothing. but we still smell the smoke. so somone said lets go back there is nothing here go before T.George see us. when we walk to the door....i said..wait! how can we get in i dont have the key!!!!!!every one was quiet. then june point at my hand and said ther is the key! (this hotel use key cards) i think about it 4 a while cause i didnt remeber i pick it up. and i was right i didnt pick it up because when we turn it another side it is itune card!! O[]o!! that i remember i put it in my and because i afriad going to say i will lose it. we want to laugh loudy but we cant cause it in the middle of the night.and me might wake someone up..soo......after that we saw P' jet and someone i cant remember. they try to help us get in but nothing work. so we have to face T.George.when we went ask him 4 the key he was super angry... today i just want to tell you that!! see u next time!!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Hello! Do u remember that i told u many things happens to me? well.. do not think that long just the night i finish writing that blog. I am in the bathroom with Emma. She is brushing her teeth and i am putting the toothpaste on my tooth brush then i accidently drop it on one of my sock /(=[]=)\ ! i think this time i have a proof because i took many pictures of it!! OK let's talk about i woke up before Emma and she ask me last night to wake her up if i wake up before her. so i woke her up...then we went down to eat breakfast like always (i hope i didnt make u fell bored about this) and today aunt kelly ( i hope i spell her name write) came to babysit us. we play lots of things but the hittest one have to be this!!!! twister because i was good! even i do look like in the pictures i can still playing and keep changing the position!!!now today i have really nothing to talk about... ut tomorrow i think i do because i will go roller skate with my friends and my host family's. I will bring my own roller blade!!! 555+ oh and yeah today i want to teach u about this 555 if u have friends in facebook MSN or other website that use 4 chating u might saw this and wonder what it's mean in thai we called 5 "ha" so we do it when we laugh 555 means hahaha. my host dad ask me the first time i am here too!! i hope that help some of u!! oh! this thing is sooo interesting bangkok ( that i live in) it full name is "krung thep mha nakon amon ratanakosin mahintara ayutaya mha delok phop noparat ratchatani burirom udomratchaniwet mhasatan amon piman awatan sathit sakathattiya witsanukanprasit" now that is a name!! and i copy this from the internet because blogger cant copy and paste so i might write something wrong u can go check this out! go in to google -->type in bangkok full name-->then click the frist one. there are other information too!!! and another things i want to tell u is The King of Thailand had been King 4 more than 6o years!!! so Thai people hates it when you say bad things to Him. he was a very good king. he went to help the people by himself.he create many things to help people. in thailand some people grow rice to sell and eat. but there was no rain sometime and the rice died. so He create rain. well... i dont know what did he put in but it help thousandsof people rom starving.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

nothing to talk about..

HeLLo!! Today I woke up at 7:35 with Emma. then we went down to eat breakfast with her. when we went down we saw that Dillon are already down there. But i am not surprise because i hear he flush the it was rainning and i didnt go to schoolb ecause the Easter break so i might dont have many thigs to blog.well at least we went out to walmart to buy some groceries with my host mom. we bought brat , Ranch dressing (it is a kind of topping and it is my favorite!)ketshup and yogurt that's all I remember. after that we have dinner.we have what we bought 4 dinner brat buns and potato. Today i have some funny things to share with U. when we was eating our dinner Dillon pointat the "potato" and said mom i like want to eat "tomato"! this happens about the same as last time but he said "hospital" to "hostipal" :P that is just getting started even more when i was trying to open the ranch dressing i cant open it so i press harder and open i point it at Emma so when i open it it split in to her hair!!!!and the no not enough after dinner we have a treat Emma tilkle me and i ack like a chicken.. I did not put on the "!" because it is not the end. when i ack like a chiken when Emma was tikkling me i farted!!!!! I am lucky because no one hear it! and do anyone ever wondered that why there is always funny stories happening to me?!?!? look! i have the frying pan, the fart, walk into the boy's bathroom ,tomato potato , dropping cheese on jan then fall down and the last year that i accidently kept the cat in my draws that make the whole family think it is lost!!!do u believe that it was all accident!!! i didnt try to make it funny but it happened by itself!!! well we can call this "บ้า" (ba)that means crazy!!!! actally there is more but i want to sleep with Emma so i have to be quick Bye Bye!!!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter Everyone!!!

Sa-wad-dee-ka!!Now we are in easter break yeahhh ^.^ !!!! so today i can wake up late-.-Today i woke up at o'clock in the morning -.o we had an easter egg hunt in our house and we have got present from the easter bunny!! Emma and dillon egg chalk candies and Nintendo DS when i talk about this i think i 4 got to tell u that the day i went shopping we went to walmart too and at walmart guess what i bought -u- ??? Pokemon back and Pokemon white!!!i bought both of them! XD (Mom Dad !!! please tell france this i want him to know!!! if u reading this please call and tell him!! \(^U^)/) and this is what i got from the easter bunny:easter egg chalk candies and.. tomorrow i get to go buy a roller skate :D!!!! Yes! but i didnt went to the church because we dont have time -_-"" i wear the dress i bought to the easter party (-U-)/.I think i have to tell u something even i make a lot of face in blogger it doesnt mean i will change my face a lot in real life my face ususally be like this -_- os even i smile -u- just that and if u saw me smile very much u are super lucky!!this is one time i go smile like crazy...when we stay with T.George iam going to play the house with June and Jan and when we open jan's macbook i say Hello this is macbook then Jan said no no it have to be like this "Hello everyone this is macbook" then we have a funny fight (Funny) then she slap me ( dont understad my friends wrong OK? she just did this to make it funny ) then i lay on my sleeping bag (we playon the sleeping bag cause we done even hve Bed!!!) and laugh but i laugh too much that i pee on my pants >///< ( i am very brave to tell my own personal stuff!!) it just i little wet! really it just a little!! not very little even worse.. when i think about getting home on the airplane. siting in the airplane is not the only things that is bad. when i came here do you know what i have to bring along?!?!?!it is not my stuff but T.George bag is too heavy and he have to give things to someone else (that is coming with him) may and can got dish glass and stuff (that is bad) BUT HE GAVE ME A FRYING PAN!!!!!!i have to put it on my carry on bag !! that's why some people is calling me rapanzel and when i have to check my bag they have to check 4 metal!! and that frying pan is so have to always take it out!!!! Before i leave thailand we are on the final bag checking. a man open my bag and he made a joke that can this be took in the airplane? we can use this as a weapon to hit someone!! so many people saw it and was super heavyyyyyy!!!!when i walk around to find seat in the airplane that frying pan always always got stuck in somebody else seat but this time is a little better cause jan was behind me so she helped me get it of and helped me carried it until we find our seat!! -3-"" I hope u enjoy today's blog!!! if someone read this please comment!!! i want to know what u r thinking about my jokes!!!

Friday, April 22, 2011

I am in a strange mood today....I am happy to not go to school but i am sad because i wont see my friend at school anymore T-T Today was just like normal days at school. but this is the last day of school in Bethany school...I Gave gift to my friends (^U^)/ . I Gave them pen and thai coins. my friend Paige ( i hope i spell her name right) gave me my favorite kind of chocolate! :D ( i think i will eat it all in one days). and Kendra gave me a necklace! :D i love all the gift they had gave me thankz U Very much!!!! I will miss u all!! Kendra thank you 4 playing with me and talk to me (a lot)and make me get closer to other people in the class Paige thank you 4 helping me to do soo many things (and warn me when i almost get into the boy's bathroom) Tresa thank you 4 helping me sing in the church ( finding music)and share me some candys Alexas (if i spell your name wrong i am so sorry) thank you 4 playing with me Denessa thank u 4 being kind and help me 4 lot of things too! Anna thank you 4 sharing candy and play with me Nick thank you 4 let me play some sports with u Malachi thank you 4 making me laugh Sam,Seth,Paul and Dennis too! Noah thank you 4 playing paino 4 us! and i thank you everyone 4 being my friends when I am here :') See U all again next year!!! Sorry that i make my self look like a maid sometime...

back to the house! Today i coloured the eggs and play American football with Dillon Emma and my host dad. Dillon is trying to make a touch down me and Emma have to block my host dad from getting dillon. emma hold his arms and i hold his legs!! that works! he cant move or make any points!! Now i am writting my blog play face on MSN and talking with my mom and dad..

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Hey!!! Iam Gam!( Now iam in the opposite mood from the last time :P) I forgot to tell u something that yesterday my host dad took me to an old church. He said it might built 4 hundred years it was super scaryyyyyyyyy.......Let's talk about today! K this is what i woke up at seven o'clock in the morning. I have to go to school today and tomorrow is the last day yayyyy!! we still have some snow here...even most ofthem already i learn history math and other things i cant remember....At school today i went score is incredible! i dont think it even reach 30.....then i came home.T. George is coming 4 dinner at my host family's house....we ate tocos (i put a lot of cheese) and now i can make the fish by my self! (it is not origami) that fish we have it in thai. when i make it i put thai coin in it too! i will give it to my friend or teacher.i miss my house in thailand very much!!!there is nothing funny today....
yeterdayyyyy..........ไม่ค่อยมีอารมอ่า...(mai-koi-me-ar-rom-) i went to school.i cant remeber what i learn. there is nothing unusual happen......but today i am going to write today blog at night see u Bye!!!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Good evening Lady and Gentle men (Today I am in a strange mood \(*.*)/ ) First I have to thank you everyone that had been follow my blog. And People encourage me Iam i in the grauduate party??=_=").AND the latest news is when i was in America i felt like many people that i know were keeping an eye on me OUO. not because my blog but they think I am growing to be teenager but i wont grow here wait until i go back in thailand then i will grow!!!(it is posible 4 me) OK...-3- Today i woke up at 6:50 in the morning (of course) even the last night i woke up at 2:50 to drink water. when i come back i saw Emma in front of the door and we scared each other !!!!O[]O""""""" i didnt knew she woke up too XP!!! after i drank the water in the bathroom sink (not in the toilet!! -_-""). i went back to sleep(- -) Zzz...i have my breakfast and went to school. and the same we study...math reading art and other things but there is one SNOW!!!!! we have snowstorm now. Other people was like this :-( ans I was like this :-D can u see the different!!! in thailand it is 90 degrees F. please understand me ToT.It was a very heavy snow.after it snnow 4 one hour the the grass was all white!!even more... when i went home there was a thunder and lighting while snowing!!! my host dad said it was very rare. it might happen once a year.and when i went home i search in the internet hw to make a ปลาตะเพียน (pla-ta-pian) it is the name of the fish,i learn how to do it by my self ^.^!! it takes 3 hours to figure out the last 5 parts...Oh and i want to teach u some thai! สวัสดีค่ะ( sa-wad-dee-ka )mean Hello or hi if u want to u can say ดี (dee) i teach u because said if u write it in thai onther people dont know what it mean so i teach u !! ขอโทษ(ko-tod) mean sorry if u want to be polite u can say ค่ะ (ka) or ครับ (krub) after what u say. but it cant use 4 evrything. but most of them can. Ka is 4 girls krub is 4 boys. ลาก่อน (la-kon) mean Bye Bye os either swadee can be used. hope this help some!! \ (^ ^)/

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Hello this is Gam Natada Suvanprakorn. I have to re write my blog because the internet is broken. :(.but i was lucky because just write a little bit ( i just getting start)-3- Ok this is what happen today-_-...Today is sunday! :D tomorrow i have to go to school....I want to see my friends and teacher but i dont want to study ToT but sometimes when i play with my friends it make me think about G.6 at daroonpat school in Thailand -.- I love them and might never see them again cause after we end G.6( that happen already )TT_TT many of them move out of the school.and the school almost close G.6 at the frist time -^- this morning i woke up at ten in the morning. and i have scramble egg 4 the breakfast :) taste good! I have a very very good news today! ^U^ I went skating with P.Aum P.Jet P.Pat P.Sai P.mung P.Net PSsea and P.James -^o^- But the peaple that skate ok is PJet and P.Net +.+ . many other girls have to hold my hands but i think i am not very good too :P P.Sai think I skate good. I think maybe...While I am skating by my self i tease them. i push them i little bit ;) .whilr P.pat was holding my hands T.George scared her and she fell on the ground...XP Then even luckier...after we skating we went to shopping together!!!!! /(*o*)\ we have to buy easter dress. we try on a lot of them. P.pat bought the pink dress with black jacke(very cute) bought a skirtand a shirt Cute too!! -^.^- i bought a white and brown dress. Sorry I have to go to Bed sorryyyyyyy!!!!!!! (-[]-)/

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Hello!! (^.^)/ This is Gam Natada Suvamprakorn.Now I am wriing my blog from my host family's wroking room(while Dillon is playing video games - -"")I am hear early because yesterday i came one late very late at 11 o'clock at night.yesterday i went shopping with P.Aum.I bought thigs 4 my dog more than 4 my self!! i bought nail polish 4 my dog (this is just made 4 dog!!), toy and a little accessroy 4 them. There are a lot of cute snak in the shop too. but i cant because my dog was is thailand TT TT. P.Aum? well... she got 5 lip glosses 3 sunglasses 2 pair of shoes:) .we had a lot of fun!! Then we went bowling with P.mung P.ounP. james P.sea P.sai and P.pat (-.-)/ O then i came back home .....Nothing funny this time!!!(maybe)

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Hello this is Gam Natada Suvanprakorn now i am writing my blog fro my host family's wroking room. Today i woke up at 7:15 and had my breakfast.I went to school with my host mom Dillon and Emma.we studay math ,reading, and other i 4 got :P. and today after school I went to Dillon's party. At the party we eat pizzas. I am so sorry i am sleepy andddd.......i dont want to write many things today.....--__--""

Monday, April 11, 2011

Hello this is Gam Natada Suvanprakorn. Now I am writing my blog from my host family's working room. Last night is very bad. First I thought the tornado siren is just a police car or firefighter or.... I cant go to sleep because tht sound it wakes me up in the middle o the night :( so in the mornibg i got sick. It might because yesterday may and Jan was sick and i drnk their water -_-"". i have to go home at school.and eat host mm said i might have pink eye. Then i think about when i was studing health at my school in thailand.T. thoms teach us about pink eye but some of my friends call it ping-kai in thai it mean grill chiken =[]="""and we often tease him(our teacher).some of my friends put glue on her own book and she said to him that i draw something very funny come and see!!! and when he touch the book...... I hope u enjoy my blog bye!!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Hello This is Gam Natada Suvanprakorn. NOw I am writing my blog from my host family's working room. Today i woke up at 7:15 on the morning.I wear my Brewers shirt and my jeans on.I ate breakfast andwe are going to valders to meet my friends!!( I dont want to talk about T.George :P) it take about twenty min to get to valders.Today was very very foggy. it was hard to see the way in front of us.I look out the cars and i just see grass on the ground.When i got to Valders i saw June!!I ran up to her and i Hug her \(TUT)/ after we wait i litle while our friends is coming more and more....and it takes us 2 hours to gat to milwokee. Oh i think about the airplanes i hate them 4 now..just 4 now K? we have to eat ourlunch before we get inside thee studaim just like camping....In the studaim i get to sit with may and Jan!!!! -^.^- i think the frist score is 2 to jan may went to find someting to eat but the line is very longgg so we didnt bought anything. we went back in and out again just 4 same reason but we r lucky this time because the line is shorter. we bought 3 frenchfries but is was very big O.O I dont know it was that big....then we came back in again to eat....15 min later we got a homerun everybody scream ( they are happy ) then i move a little bit BUT...i drop the whole pot of the freshfreis in to jan's lap!!!on her pants ( that pants is not her it is her host mom's TOT) So i quikly ran out to get the napkin 4 her in the women's bathroom but just when i came back i slip and fall off into the ground in front of the gates!!! some of the people saw me -3-""" and even it is in the staduim my knees still a bit cover with dirt!! i stand up and cotonue running to give th napkins to jan ( it look like ..if i am a boy it was like a iam going to tell jan that i love her like in the love story but this is not K? dont understand me wrong =[]="""")and just a while that i went in the games end and the Brewers win!!! yeahhhh!!!! Then we come back here..... Bye mom Dad i miss u! get well soon Dad !!!! Ilove you both!!+ symmar Sugar Symmet salapaonadang fish and ........ Bye!! I hope U enjoy my blog today!!I MISS THAILAND!!!!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Hello! This is gam Natada Suvanprakorn Now iam writing blog from my host family's working room. Now i think i will change someting abuout my blog just a little.....yesterday Emma throw a snowball at dillon. I 4 got why but ..I think dillon is plaaying video games too much because when she threw it at him Dillon is acting like he was stab ( actually even people got stab they usually dont acting this over :P) But when it realy hurt him he just crying....umm he is Super over acting..5555+ But sometime a lot of time he is funny and cute! <3 Today is saterday!!! But i still have to wake up on 8 o clock in the morningbecause i have to go to the valleyball camp with Emma. I am ok with it but sometime i hit the celling. I thought i would broke it....-3-"""" We finsh the class at noon then my host mom took me dillon and emma to eat our lunch at <==subway==> in walmart .At walmart i bought new headphone Yayyy!!!! and i load some some new music on an ipod :D AND THE BIGGEST NEWS TODAY TOMORROW WE R GOING TO THE BREWER GAME AND WE WILL MET EVERYBODY YEAHHHHH WHOOOOO!!!!!!!! but i hae to wake up at seven o clock we have to get to valders at 9 o clock !!!!!!!! I very miss thailand!!! but when i think that we have to sit on the airplanes for 20 hours i dont have enought mood 4 that TToTT

Friday, April 8, 2011

Sorry this is late and i will tell u a little thigs that is happen today ...Today when me and my friends r going towash pur hands before lunch. I walk to the bathroomwith my friends i....I accidently go into the wrong bathroon i walk into the boy's bathroom >///< luckily my friends told me before i get in there.....-30"""

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Hello this is Gam Natada Suvamprakorn. Now iam writing my blog form my host family's working room. Today i woke up at 7 o clock. (I have to write quickly because i have to goto bed quickly.) i have to go to school today.....I cant remember what did we study. I only remember a ew things is.....1 my friends who is siting next me he play the origami should i write this..I hope it is ok...he play the bird like a 5 years old kid ( he try to make it funny) :P and now i am listennig to the music too vbvb( vbvb is อิอิ) in thai it mean umm. it like laughting sound just like 555 . To day Emma have the dance class so i go watch her she dance very good! :D she try to make me dance .... but i cant !!!! i am not good sorry !!! TToTT what should i write about...umm....oh and on friday we will have a baby sitter come to our house. i have to go Bye sorry i cant write a lot today.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I am sooo sleepy tonight so i dont want ti write many things..I went to school the end! 555+ not that little.I wen to the school today and umm...after school i went to buy an ipod nano. i chose silver colur and umm..i have nothing to tell. and i have to hurry go to bed Bye Bye! I very Miss thailand!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Hello this is Gam Natada Suvanprakorn.Now Iam wrting my blog from my host family's wroking room.

Today i woke up at 7 (maybe)in the morning.Then i got dress up and went down 4 the breakfast. Todayis monday so I have to go To school. Today atschool i studied History , PE , reading , and other i cant remamber. the Teacher said we will have the feild trip on friday.After school i went to watch Emma dance in her dance class. there were a lot more people than the last time!

On tomorrow night after school I will go shopping to buy something......-U-

Yesterday I 4 got to tell u that when i went skating there is JustinBieber song . then the girl behind me scream a bit .....oh no.. i dont want to talk about this much because May might get angry..If she know this and if we met at the baseball game she might kill me....= ='''''' and this is the picture of may sleeping when we with T.George....Sorry May......

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Hello this is Gam . Now I am writing my blog from yhe living room in my host family house.and today i dont want to write a lot. Today i woke up at 7 o'clock in the morning. i ate pop tart for the cat stold my hairband XP then we went to emma freinds birthday today. i went to skating at her birthday. i fell down a lot! when we came back we ate dinner.....bye sorry i dont want to write much and mom please tell france to go in my fb he did not do it evry day -^-

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Hello this is Gan Natada Suvanprakorn. Now I am writing my blog form the living room in my host family house. After we finish cleaning most host familycome to pick up thier kids mine be a little bit late. it is OK with me IF T.George wouldnt make me did the cleaning T^T. when I came to my host family house my host mom and Emma help me unpack my bag. I gift them the gift :). then me and Emma went outside t play the snow. My host dad made a huge pile of snow 4 me to play. It is highter then my head!! O.O we climb on it. we almost fall down a lot of time and we fall down a lot of time too *_* . we have a lot of fun outside :D. but when i wa outside i relize that i hurt my neck because yesterday i fall down from my illw when i sleep -[]-""""". I already talk to my host family about going shopping to buy something. Dad mom!! why dont you eaver tel mr u have a very nice headphone!!!!! i like it very much !! it is my favorite colour !! RRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!! we cant do anything with that......ToT I want itttt!! now too! i dont have draw under my bed anymore so the cat wouldnt go in there vbvb
Hello I am Gan natada suvanprakorn. Now iam writting my blog from th living room in our house.We have 2 hours to write our blog before we clean the T.George said we have to write about how do we feel about go leaving with our host family and of corse i am not going to write that i felt bad that i have to go because we r not living with T.George! ^.^ Today:I woke up at 5:57 on the morning. I woke Jan up then June woke up too. -o- we went to brush our teeth and today there is nothing not normal . I have to write quiky because the batter is runnig low .Today I felt good to see my host family soon I miss them a lot :). but iam excited too i dont know why...we are leaving about noon. the battery run out very fast *.*. message to my host family: I am happy to see u again. and i think this time i have to ask u to please take me to the shopping mall to buy headphone because this time i need it. -.- i wish i could go to chose which one i like . if u have time please take me <3 message to my mother: i miss u very much. when i went home i would like to see the headphone hat u show me . i have to buy new one cause i dont know i need it love u naka -^o^- sorry that today i might just have 13 lines but i have nothing to tell u ;) Next time i will show u i have took picture of may sleeping and i going to post it . and today she forgot her clothes, towel , her water and more. so we dank her water ^ ^'''''''

Friday, April 1, 2011

Hello I am Gam Ntada Suvanprakorn. I am writting my blog form our home in the Girls room. TODAY: Today i woke up at six thirty on the moring with June. we went to brush our teeth. when we came back we saw that may and Jane are awake. may told me that when we came out June Trip and almost fall over. That made an earthquake 555+ -3-''' . The snow were still here but less than yesterday -o- . T.George came in to the room and said that " it will have a snowstorm today and the temperater will be -30" but.... got him! he did an april fool to us and everybody believe him!!!! At the morning T.George ask us to wrap presents for the principal and our host familys. I have to wrap 4 sea and james because we r in the same school and they are not here....i draw Thai flag and elelaphant on it. and 4 the host family i use ...... it is a surprise ( if T. George didnt told them already). when i finished wrapping the paper and ate the dinner i went for a walk with June like always :) . then we have the snowball fight again -_-'''' . I dont have much story today because we are home and .....Today May Mung Oun went to their host family house. Now ....Just me Jan and June... :'( we ate the lazanya ( is it spell like this??) 4 dinner ...... I am afaiad that if i dont write up t20 lines i wont get what i want...T_T but there is nothing to write about!!! that is not fair because each day is not the same some day we gone out and some we dont!! :( and i just have fifteen.( i dont do number because i try to make it long *-*) what should i write?? oh yes some message to my mom..... message to my mother: can u on skype tomorrow on 7 am at my time please?? (seven to eight o'clock) please comment to answer or on facebook or MSN i need to talk to u about many things!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Hello this is Gam Natada Suvanprakorn. this is what happens today at american homestay: after we went out of the libraly we went home and we have freetime. the snow were still here but some of it already melt away. we have snowball fight with our start with ... me and June went 4 a walk like always. When we came back home our neighber threw snowball at me! So....I grab some snow make a snowball and threw at him!!! but he avoid i do it again and again I hit him a lot ^.^ but they hit me more... I look around and saw that June is alone playing at the swing. She look lonely I am afraid that she might have the homesick so I went to talk to her. then I help her push the swing. She help pushes me too :) But ... this is what happens exacty. Gam: hey June can i play too ?? June:ok then i sit and hold tightly on the string. June start pushing me . Suddenly the swing start to spin and I cant stop it!!!! June try to help but then....I fall of to the ground and a bit covered with mud :( it happens a lot of time . we play snowball 4 a little bit more . Me and June went 4 a walk again.I saw 4 dogs at the park near our house. We went to check the ice. Then we came back home.There are some people come to check the house. At dinner we have macraroni and cheese. normally it is one of my favorite food but this time since I came down from the airplane i felt that i dont want to eat i want to eat but whe i eat i felt done want to eat this is not normalto me because last time i like every thing and thanks to T.George that he help me lose my weight ( I am not sure but i think ) his spagetti is ummm......hard to descripe it taste umm...let skip this -.-''' and now i am writing my blog from the girls room the girls and the boys have singing battle..... XP i am not 1 of them . I think they want to make another room angry or felt umm.. we dont have that words in english.. Message to my mother: mom i want to buy something let talk skype tomorrow at 3:oo I try to on if i dont ...we can talk later.
hello this is Gam Natada Suvanprakorn.Now I am blogging from the manitowoc public Library.Today we went to the mariton museum. it is the museum that show us about the boats and submarine. we went to that museum last year too. TODAY: i wake up at 6:20 with jan again ^-^ . When i woke up i went to brush my teeth with jan. today the snow melt down a lot from yesterday. T.George told us that the bus will arrive about 9 o'clock so we hurrily derss up and get ready to go but.I am not sure that is it too fast or not because when we got on the bust the only person who is not got on is t.George +.+. we are going to manitowoc to visit the mariton museum. when we arrived there i dont think it going to be this cold no..i dont think but i forgot. i went here before and i knew that it is near the river.they remember me may and jane because we wear the animal hat like the last time. We went in there and they show us about the submarine. Form the last time they told us that one of the submarine that was buit in wisconsin sunk in Gulf of thailand. we went out to see the old submarine .we get in there too. it was very cold near the river or it is lake? (4 got ) . after they told us about the submarine we went to go shopping in the museum. me May Jan and June bought some chocolate. june and jan bought the mood necklace. may bought the ring that can change colour. i want to buy the mood necklace but i think i already have my favorite necklace ^U^ ( mother should know what necklace that i like the most) . when we finish shopping we went to eat lunch . T.George took us too eat pizza . It is the same resturant we went last time. me june and jan bought bubble gum ( each is 25 cent ). I bought 4 then i share them with my friends :) . I got blue,pink purple and orange . I trade purple with June's orange bubble gum. while T.George took us to the museum i saw a dead bird lying on the floor :o . then we are here at the libray

Message for my mom: mom i dont think that 20 lines a day going to work because T.George let us blog after we done 1 thing. i think can u count the total lines in one day? please comment to answer. By: gamgaew Lines i wrote this time: about 30 lines :D

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Dinner (just dinner)

Now iam going to write just about the dinner. คุนเเม่ขาถ้าคุนเเม่ได้อ่านนี้หนูขอบอกว่านี้แค่เขียนเกี่ยวกับกินข้าว 20 บันทักไม่นับ Today Fieder came to eat dinner with us they bought Pizza and apple pie to eat together. we played with thier children. when we finished eating we have to wash our dishes. Bye Bye!! บ้ายบาย!!

3 in 1

Hello I am Gam. Sorry that i didnt write my blog 4 a long time. 2 days ago....when i came to america (sorry i am too lazy to do capital letter) we r super tired and bored. we have to sit on an airplane 4 almost a day!!!! when we transit the airplane at japan we bought some food to eat. I bought moji. June bought chocolate and Jan bought banana cake. and then we have to sit on an airplane for 15 hours . when we are on miniopolis we saw that it was snowing !!! a lot more than last time !!!! when i am on the airplane from minioppolis to valder or green bay i cant remember...i try not to sleep...i opened my eyes i thought i selpt already but we r still on the ground is true i wake up and we arrive already . the next morning.....we ate breakfast and have fun sorry i am too lazy i dont have mood to write very long but i will try. Skip to today i wake up with jan at the same time at 6:05 i got the exacly time vbvb we brush our teeth . I went to eat breakfast.aah i dont know what ti write นักเขียนหมดอารมค้าา kkk ต่อๆ we have snowball fight with our neighber but.the boys destroy the snow man that we have try to make 4 two days !!!!!! เริ่มไม้ไหวเเว้วววว have to write 7 more ...... T.George mother took us to the wal mart to buy something. me and June bought glove may bought nothing..and June bought mouse too !!! โอ้ย ปวดคอ i bought white glove and june bought grey glove . so cute! 5 more.... วันนี้ไม้อยากกเขียนเลยยย i cant write many things today it most personal stuff and most of them is not very good.but iam very happy today not today but when i saw very cuty fluffy doggy with his or her owner .....he let us pet his doggy >///< that make me things of my sister......and my other pet oh! sorry sister vbvb (อิอิ ) only 1 more now I am writing my blogger with June Jan is doing her skype with her mother may is writing her blogger too . I hope that is enough 4 u mom

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Today is Thursday 23 March 2011 now the time is 8:38pm (why the numbers look like that ??) Now I am 11 years old .my weight is 51kg (i am very fat)I live in Bangkok Thailand.I am one of the student in a homestay trip with T.George.This is my seccond trip to America homestay.I am very excited to see my host family (the Miller) and T.George family again ^.^ when we go to America T.George said that we have to do the same as the last time. My mom said i should talk about the over night camp....I went to the over night camp with my friends.We did lots of things .T.George said I, May, Jan and June had to help him make the lunch.I was in charge of opening the tuna can . The first 3 cans could be opened easily but the forth I tried to open it and accidentally broke it!!! I saw that T.George was coming I look around and I saw Jan I hurrily passed the broken tuna can to her and ran away :P .Later, I, May, Jan, and June were talking at the table 4 a while and we were getting boring. So, we tried to find something to do. We saw Mung, Sea and James. We talked with them for a few second. I looked around and saw T.George was coming. He came talk to us and said that we must help him clean up the table. I and June were behind T.George(he didnt see us). We quietly ran away...

call my mom but he didnt let me do so...May and Jan were in the pool already while I was wearing Pajamas. I jumped right into the pool with my pajamas!!!!! when I thought about such story in the paI forgot to bring my swimming suit to the Pudgimelon center :( I was very angry. There 4, I borrowed Jan's mobile phone and tried to call my mother but my mother did not answer. It ended up with 15 miss call XP . May said I should try to call my father maybe he stayed with my mom (My mom never answer her mobile phone). I called him. When he answered he said my mom was sleeping. I didn't know what to do but I remembered my last time camping that I forgot my swimming suit too. I loved swimming there4 I asked T.George tost, I went in to the room where all the bags were. I found some cloth that I could wear 4 swimmng and I did the same as last time . but this time was worse because May,Jan, and I forgot to bring our SHAMPOO. May and Jan used soap to wash their hair while I and June just used water XP. June didnt have enough cloth to wear. So, she had to wear pajamas and she asked me to wear pajamas too. I wear my mother's shirt that used 4 sleep and very pink fluffy snowman pants(very good 4 sleeping). 2-3 hours later, T.George said we were to go to bowling. I had only 1 jean pants which I wore the whole day before swimming and it must be used for tomorrow :(

I have to tell u that I DONT LIKE pepsi, coke, and almost all kind of soda. We had to walk from Bunto Village to the Avenue plaza which we all were very thirsty since it took about 15 min to get to the Avenue plaza. We spent 15 more min for bowling. I heard that T.George ordered some drink for us which I was very happy, but T.George ordered just PEPSI :( . We came back from the bowling about 11 pm, finished brushing our teeth, and went to bed (but not to sleep). Jan told me and May the bed time story (because June was asleep) about cinderella 2011. At the other side of the room, group of older girls were using there notebook. T.George came to check me, May and Jan while we pretended to sleep, but T George knew that TT o TT. Around 12:08 am, we were still awake and T.George came to check us which we pretended to sleep again. However, this time it worked!!! the bad news was that the older girls was scolded by T George x.x . We woke up at 6 am . T George told us that it would take a long time to make the breakfast for 18 kids. While we were on the stairs, we saw Sea, James, Mung and other boys swimming, We then went to swim too. T.George called us 4 breakfast. We ate pancakes (a lot) with our swimming suit wearing!!!! We had to wash the dishes with our swimming suit wearing too. This was NOT because of T. George's order, but some other people didn't do so >:( Our parents came to pick us up around 4 pm.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Hello! I am Gam.I going to America again in 8 days! :)